Chapter 1 ~ The Weight of Achievement

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"And so, with how often Hatsume blows up the Studio or any workshops with her... 'babies' within this school, it won't be too much of a stretch to conclude that we need a new workshop only she could use." Higari voiced his concern to the principal, who was sitting before the other staff.

It was early Saturday morning when the staff of U.A. High School had their monthly meeting. The topics that are generally discussed are the development of the academy, the students' growth, future event(s), and other concerning subjects that involve anything regarding the school and its children. Other school affairs, such as the budget, curriculum planning, and the like, were all decided during the meeting as well.

But sometimes, the meeting is held with them not as teachers but as heroes. Usually, this implicates the League of Villains' current whereabouts and their possible move, an underground syndicate that terrorizes from the shadows, or any other crime-related matters. In this kind of meeting, the air turns from casual to serious, almost suffocating if one doesn't belong to heroics.

Fortunately, today's meeting fell into the first category, much to the relief of most of them. Which means the atmosphere remains light while still holding that professional air. Although there were a few grimaces upon Power Loader's predicament with his Support Course department, specifically his own Problem Child.

"I like the kid, really. But, dear God, she will give me 20 years of premature white hair if she continues to set the studio on fire every goddamn time she tries to build something." The Excavation Hero grumbled.

This earns him a few snickers from some of the staff and sympathetic yet amused looks from the rest. The principal hums while tapping his desk with his paw. He then nods with his paws folded on the desk, smiling at the poor Pro Hero.

"All right, before we could discuss the issue, I wanted to voice my sympathy for you, Power Loader. Hatsume-san is a bright student; that, I could not deny, but I could see that she is also lacking in some kind of restraint involving all manner of invention." The mammal opined and received nods of agreement from his subordinates.

"That's one waah to put it mildlah." Snipe commented with his arms crossed on his chest, his mask hiding the amusement dancing on his lips.

"So, in response to your commission, currently, U.A. has no compatible room for Hatsume-san where she could construct her... 'babies' freely without the worry of destroying our Development Studio or disturbing the other support students. Making one would require a significant investment of both funds and time, not to mention the availability of a suitable space. But I am confident we could solve the matter one way or another when the right time comes." Nezu voiced out his evaluation with a smile on his face.

"I'm in no rush here or anything, Nezu. But the sooner, the better." Higari slumped on his seat and sighed, "I swear, I will lose my mind if Hatsume continues to blow up my studio."

"Hang in there, partn'r." Snipe gives him consoling taps on his shoulder.

"I will do my best, Power Loader." Nezu nodded in affirmation before shifting his gaze to the other staff, "Now, before we can conclude our meeting for this morning, does anyone have something else they wish to discuss? Perhaps conveying some concerns or voicing out some suggestions?"

No one raised their hand or voiced their thoughts. While most are content with today's morning meeting and starting their usual school day, some of them are too sleepy and just want to have at least one and a half hours of sleep before they can begin teaching the first class of the day. So, with that said, they're relieved that the meeting is over much sooner than expected and are impatiently wanting to have at least an hour of shut-eye before-

"Actually, Nezu. I do have something that I'm very concerned about." Shota spoke from the floor in his yellow sleeping bag.

That same group of people had no shame in letting out a collective tired groan of annoyance while simultaneously sending a glare at the man, who was rising out of his sleeping back and properly sitting at his desk, while the others cast a curious look at the Underground Hero, who is honestly the very last person among them who wants to prolong the meeting.

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