Chapter 4 ~ Into the Unknown Depths

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The walk through this underground facility is a rather tense and uncomfortable one for the greenette. While everyone, aside from the sole Irishwoman in front of them, seems to be quite wary and unnerved by the atmosphere, Izuku is on a tenth level of that. With each step they take, the young hero's nervousness grows rapidly in his heart, and his apprehension intensifies. It doesn't help that this area is so quiet and still; only their footsteps and his suitcase's wheels are the only ones making sounds in this entire place—no voices, no machines running, nothing. It's like this place is isolated from the outside world itself—a place that exists in its own pocket dimension—a place where not even God can reach it.

Well, to be fair, it is an underground facility inside an artificial island in the middle of the ocean, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise. But still!

Along their journey, none of them dares to utter a single word nor start any kind of conversation at all. Not even Nezu, who is arguably the most talkative person in the group (sans Hizashi), did not utter a single syllable or try to start one—something that is quite a rare sight to behold. They walk silently through the corridor until they reach an intersection. They turn right and keep walking. The silence is heavy and thick, permeating the air around them like an invisible barrier. It's almost deafening—to the point where it feels like their ears are ringing—and it's only adding fuel to the greenette's nervousness and his feeling of being intimidated by the Irishwoman in front of them.

Again, this whole endeavor is already absurd as it is—traveling to another dimension? What is this? Some sci-fi movies? And now having the project's director be someone who exudes so much intimidating power and authority is not making him feel any better about this at all.

Izuku lets out a deep breath quietly; he can feel himself sweating buckets right now due to his rising anxiety. He grips the handle of his suitcase tight as he tries to calm himself down in any way he can—and so far, none of it works at all. Suddenly, he feels a warm hand on his shoulder; he glances over his shoulder and sees All Might giving him a reassuring smile along with a slight nod, easing his nerves a little. And as soon as he gives him a weak smile back, he returns his gaze straight ahead, following the woman's trail.

"Man, this silence starts killing me." Hizashi whispers to his best friend with a hissing tone; he is twitching non-stop right now.

"Just deal with it." Shota grunted without looking at him; his voice is monotone as usual, with a hint of a heavier tone than usual.

"I'm not good at silence." The Voice Hero hissed again, "Gimme a chattering crowd any day, but not this!"

"Well, you'll have to suck it up because we don't have a choice here." Ectoplasm hissed back; he has an annoyed look on his face.

"Oh, come on!" Hizashi protested in a hushed tone, "We can break this damn silence, you know! Besides, I can't stand it anymore! I have to do something!"

"Just shut up and be patient for once." Shota grumbles harshly as he shoots his friend a threatening glare; his hair raises a bit and his eyes glow crimson.

"Ahem." Though not loud, a faux clearing of the throat is heard from the Irishwoman in front of them as she glances over her shoulder at them, "Gentlemen. If any av you wish to voice your thoughts now, den I must beg dat it has to be somet'eng significant. Otherwise, kendly be silent until we reach our destination."

That immediately shuts everyone up real quick. Her sharp tone of voice and authoritative presence easily silence the trio right then and there; they snap their mouths shut and return to their previous positions with their heads facing straight ahead without a single word being uttered from their lips. Even Nezu, who is used to commanding authority over others, is no exception to her chilling glare; the chimera just lets out a resigned sigh as he too stays silent and keeps walking. All Might, David, and especially Izuku are trying their best not to shake as they proceed with their journey in complete silence.

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