Chapter 8 ~ Project, Planning, and Partnerships

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Yu hates physics. There is no hiding it. And the fact that it is after chemistry only makes matters worse for her.

"Uggghhhh..." She groans tiredly while resting her head on one hand while using the other to scribble random doodles onto her notebook.

Her half-closed green eyes are staring at their teacher, who is explaining about inertia while pointing at various diagrams on the chalkboard; however, the contents of her lecture have gone completely over her head for some time now due to her boredom and exhaustion. And while her eyes are still following the movement of her instructor's chalk and hand as it draws lines and shapes onto the board, her mind is drifting off to other things once again—namely Karin's song performance.

The excitement and anticipation are literally eating at her inside. The thought of Karin performing the song she wrote for her has practically made her buzz with happiness. The image of one of their seniors strutting around the stage confidently and singing her heart out while everyone cheers and claps along to the beat is so vivid and clear in her mind that it's impossible for her not to picture it over and over again. Blue dazzling lights shining down on them and illuminating the stage while a crowd of people watch them perform has Yu giggling happily and blushing in embarrassment from imagining Karin winking and blowing kisses to the audience.

"It will be a dream come true!" She thought giddily with an enormous grin stretching across her face, "Everyone will love it!"

Suddenly, she feels someone poking her cheek lightly, bringing her attention back to reality. Turning to her right, she spots Ayumu frowning at her with a disapproving expression on her face. The pinkette gives her an annoyed glare before pointing at their instructor with her index finger and mouthing 'pay attention' while motioning towards Yu's notebook and then towards the blackboard, which has several equations written on it.

"Hmph! No fun." Yu sticks her tongue out playfully at her best friend before returning her gaze towards the blackboard and attempting to follow along with what is written on it once again.

Ayumu sighs and shakes her head slowly, a brief amused smile tugging at her lips as she focuses on their lessons as well. The pinkette takes some notes here and there while copying down everything written on the board. But occasionally, she will sneak a glance towards Yu to ensure that she hasn't fallen asleep. And thankfully, despite her obvious fatigue from working nonstop on Karin's song lately, the green-tip-haired girl stays awake and at least pretends to listen to their teacher's lecture.

"Seriously. Yu-chan can be so hardheaded sometimes." Ayumu mused inwardly with an exasperated huff escaping from her lips, "I guess I have no choice but to make sure she doesn't overwork herself again."

They have gone through this routine for quite some time now—it's become a norm for them, actually. At first, Ayumu used to get upset whenever she witnessed her childhood friend pushing herself too hard and stressing herself out to the point of exhaustion. But over time, she eventually came to accept it as part of Yu's personality: she puts all of herself into everything she does, no matter how minor it is. It's not uncommon for her to stay up late or even skip out on meals for days in order to accomplish her goals. And it has caused many arguments between the two of them as well due to Ayumu's concern for her wellbeing and Yu's stubbornness regarding her work ethic. However, in the end, they always reconcile and continue working together like nothing ever happened.

Still, she, the rest of Nijigaku, and even the other members of other school idol groups wish that Yu would take better care of herself sometimes. Karin herself told her that she, with the help of Emma and Setsuna, would make the lyrics herself while Mia and Rina created the music. But Yu, in her infinite stubbornness and unwavering determination to prove herself to everyone, insisted that she compose the lyrics and planned to compose the music as well. If it weren't for Lanzhu's and Kasumi's interference, she might've ended up working herself to death again.

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