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"Henry, we're going to be late." I sighed as my older brother ran down the stairs.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He slipped on his shoes and smoothed his hair down.

"Ooh, you're trying to impress Lady Mary." I laughed and he glared at me. I snickered but stopped when our aunt walked through.

"Lets get going, shall we?" She smiled at me. "You look beautiful, my dear."

I thanked her as Henry opened the door for us.

In the carriage, we talked about numerous things, but then the topic turned to Mary.

"You love her, I can tell. I think she does too but she just hasn't realised it yet." I smiled softly and took my brothers' hands in my own. "You're the one for her, she just hasn't seen it. Trust me."

He smiled as the carriage came to a stop.

"If you say so."

"I know so."

The door opened and I stepped out, and my eyes lit up.

"Thomas, it's wonderful to see you again."

He grinned. "You too, milady."

"Please, just call me Eliza. Like we used to." He nodded, "Of course."

"Eliza! Come say hello!" My aunt stared at me.

"Coming!" I looked back at Thomas. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon."

I walked over to my aunt and apologised.

"Eliza!" I spun round and gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. "Edith!" We ran to each other and embraced. "It's been so long!"

"How are you?" I asked as we walked inside together, heading for the library.

"Oh, I'm splendid!" We sat down and talked about home, family and new interests. I wasn't shocked to find out that she worked with journalists in London.

"How exciting!"

"I know, he's improved so much with his racing and there's a race in a few weeks. I'm sure you could come, he'd be very content."

"Oh, of course." Edith nodded as Henry walked in and I waved to him and he smiled. Mary cmae up to him.

"Henry? I didn't know you were 'The Nephew'."

He raised his eyebrows. "So that's what they're referring to me as now, is it?"

Mary laughed. "If you're here then Eliza must be as well, I presume?"

He nodded and gestured to me and I smiled, standing up and brushing the creases off of my dress. 

"Mary, it's lovely to see you." We hugged quickly. "It's been a while."

"Mm, it has. How are you holding up?"

We stood and talked for a few minutes, mainly talking about Matthew.

The door opened and Cora spoke up.

"Barrow, is that Luncheon?" Everybody turned towards him.

"It is, milady." 

She nodded and everybody piled through, taking their seats.

They seemed to ramble on about the hospital for ages.

Lady Grantham noticed mine and Henry's disinterest in the conversation.

"Henry, Eliza. Please, go and relax for I don't want you to be pulled into this."

We nodded and thanked her, walking out of the hall.

"I'm going downstairs to say hello, if you don't mind." Henry shook his head. "Not at all."

I nodded and made my way downstairs.

"Eliza!" I grinned and laughed, seeing the face of Anna.

"Anna, it's been forever!" I embraced her and she gestured for me to sit down. I pulled out a chair and gasped.

"You're pregnant!" I smiled, noticing the bump of her stomach.

She nodded and I congratulated her.

"Aww, what are you going to call it?"

We ranted about baby names for the next five minutes until many pairs of feet could be heard running down the stairs.

"His lordship's ulcer has burst and an ambulance is on its way. We have to sit and wait."

Me and Anna turned to look at each other, horror in our eyes.

"I'll stay down here, I'm not very good with blood." I sighed and put my head in my hands, grimacing at the thought of all the blood there would be.

I shook it off and stood up, sitting next to Thomas as Anna was talking to someone else.

He looked up at me, deep worry in his eyes. His eyes were wet and tears threatened to escape. I'd only seen him cry once.

"Hug?" He just stared at me and I took it as a yes. I hugged him and he cried silently on my shoulders. I could tell it wasn't only this that was making him upset. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

He calmed down after a few minutes and he sat, nervously tapping his thumbs. Carson walked through after getting off the telephone. We all stood up quickly.

"His lordship's having an operation, called a gastrectomy."

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

Carson looked at him. "None of our business." It was clear he didn't know either.

"So he'll be alright?" Carson nodded.

Henry walked in. "Are you coming?"

"I think I'll stay, try to comfort people."

He nodded. "I'll tell Aunt."

"Thank you." I hugged him and he seemed relieved. He was probably more worried about Mary.

"Stay safe."

"You too." I kissed him on the cheek and he went back upstairs.

AN: First chapter finished! My hands hurt. I know its not a lot but it feels like it. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to figure out a weekly update time if possible. 

Stay safe! 

-El <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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