chapter three.

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⸺ cw: needles!

To his surprise, when he came to, Sunghoon was not being halfway chowed down by a Walker, but laying in an actual bed with a blanket, an actual blanket covering him! Hell, he even had his head propped up on a pillow. Maybe he did die.

Sunghoon snuggled deeper into the comfort, basking in the feeling of not freezing his ass off with a Walker straddling him. He was definitely dead because there was no other explanation for such a state of bliss.

"I think he's waking up!" He felt his ears and eyes twitch from the voice, yet he didn't dare to open his eyes. He was far too comfortable and the idea of having to separate from such warmth was in no way appealing.

"I will get Mother and Father!"

Sunghoon dared to open his eyes slightly, the candlelit lighting alerting his senses the slightest bit - okay, maybe he wasn't dead. Time to worry.

He opened his eyes fully, noticing the extremely fine detail around him. From the little night table to the walls and even the ceiling - it was beautiful. It's been so long since he'd seen such a breathtaking building, that he was starting to rethink his theory - he could be dead. Or maybe in a very realistic dream, what was it Jay called them - lucid dreams!

"Hello? Are you alright?" the same voice spoke up and Sunghoon had the decency of slowly getting up and looking at the person - it was a young girl, maybe around 15 or 16, dressed in what Sunghoon presumes was a nun outfit without a head vail.

"Yes..." he mumbled, checking over his own body to see if there were any marks; his hands shooting up towards his neck and shoulders after he noticed no scratches or bites on his lower body. Come to think of it - he noticed how he wasn't wearing his own clothes. He was dressed in a hospital gown, which made him slightly uncomfortable. At least these people didn't take his underwear off.

"Would you like some water?"

"I'm sorry, but who are you? And where am I?"

"You're in the Lord's home, child," a woman walked in, wearing a very modest outfit with a head veil, her smile wide and walking confidently towards Sunghoon. A man dressed in a priest outfit followed soon after, accompanied by a male and another female dressed similarly to the elders.

"We welcome you!" These people were awfully cheery for an apocalypse.

"Uh," Sunghoon coughed awkwardly, bowing slightly in thanks. Was he in church? Man, he must be dead, "thank you, did I end up here, and have you seen 3 people? Three dudes were-"

"Your friends, yes, they are here, child," the oldest male in the room spoke - he looked to be around his late 40s with a fuzzy dark beard and bald head, "they are taking rest as well."

"Wha...why are you helping us?" Sunghoon squinted his eyes in suspicion, something was definitely off about these people.

"The Lord cares for everyone, my child," the woman came up to him, her wrinkly fingers slotting through Sunghoon's silver locks, "try to relax, you are quite weak. Jake-ssi, please fetch our guest some food."

Sunghoon's gaze flickered to the male, his eyes roaming his dark outfit and soft hair. These people look so normal. They look as if they hadn't been on the run for a year or so, trying their hardest to stay alive and thank their lucky stars that they get to live another day. No - they look like they feast on Thanksgiving dinner every night and get a good night's sleep on Ikea bedding. Sunghoon's stomach churned uncomfortably at the realization.

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