chapter nineteen.

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"What the-" Sunghoon groans as he's aggressively woken up, a pair of arms brutally holding him down.

"Let me go, man, what the fuck," Sunghoon hears Jay yell from the other side of the room. He struggles to move his arms and head, fully being pinned down by someone.

"Yah! Watch it," Sunghoon groans, feeling the person put an increasingly painful amount of pressure on his back as they tie his hands "Get off, motherfucker!"

Sunghoon thrashed some more and eventually was lifted and sat down, his face dirty and his lip bleeding from getting rammed into the floor, "Cunt," he groans, glaring at the man who shoved him to the floor next to the rest of his friends.

"Fuck, Jake, are you okay?" Sunghoon panics, noticing blood dripping from the side of Jake's head as he fights to keep his eyes open.

"Your little boyfriend's fine," one of the men smirked down at them, "he's a feisty one, that's for sure," their captor lifted his sleeve and showcased a harsh slash across his forearm.

Sunghoon narrowed his eyes at the male, "What the fuck do you want?"

"Sir, we have located the intruders, rounding them up now," another person walked into the room, this was a woman of respectable age with a clear military background, "Hwang, Lim, rally them in the car."

"Yes, ma'am."

Two beefy men, which Sunghoon assumes are 'Hwang' and 'Lim', harshly hook them all by their armpits, "Let's go, you little twerps."

"Ah," Jake whines from the harsh treatment, making the rest of his friends shoot him a concerned look.

"Come on, little priest, toughen up a little," the male teases, ushering Jake and Sunghoon down the stairs whilst the other man and woman take Sunoo, Jay and Jungwon.

"Piss off," Sunghoon thrashed in the man's hold again, "what the fuck do you want from us?!"

"Easy there," Hwang sneered, "it will all be over soon."

"Oh, I'm sure it will," Sunghoon mumbled and used all his might to headbutt the male, sending him howling in pain and letting him and Jake free for a second.

Sunghoon skillfully unloosened the knot, "Stupid crook can't even tie a proper knot." Once free, Sunghoon reached out for his gun, only to discover it wasn't tucked into the strap of his pants, "Fuck."

"Hands up," the woman yelled, pointing a clocked pistol at Sunghoon's head, "one wrong move and you're dead."

Sunghoon's heart dropped as the woman aimed perfectly at his head. Sunghoon reluctantly put his hands up in surrender, wincing when Hwang grabbed Jake back in his hold, nose covered in blood and eyes full of spite.

"You piece of shit, come here," Sunghoon kept his eyes on Jake, his heart hurting at the way Jake struggled to stay conscious.

"I don't think so," a new voice spoke up and the sound of three guns glocking echoed through the small complex, "let them go."

"Lee," the woman growled in annoyance, aiming her small gun at the three newcomers, "we had a deal."

"Let them go," Lee demanded once more, aiming his rifle at them. Sunghoon observed the scene with anticipation - the newcomers were dressed in basic attire with some hefty guns in their hands whilst his team was stuck in the arms of some captors wearing police uniforms and holding police gear.

"You're pushing your luck," the woman lowered her gun, "next time, don't let your people linger in our territory."

Lee eyed Sunghoon uncertainty yet kept the act up, "Then keep your dogs at bay - they're the ones who keep stealing from us."

_TOMORROW NEVER CAME. [jakehoon]Where stories live. Discover now