Chapter 290: Natural

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"Jia, right?"

Jia almost collapsed when June said her name. She went out just to get some fresh air, but now she stumbled upon a very fresh snack.

She subtly pinched her forearm and cursed inside her mind.

Bad Jia!

"Umm, yeah," Jia said, not daring to look into his eyes. She already felt nervous at the thought of being with June. "Well, uh—I guess I got to go?"

She chuckled nervously before turning around and walking away. She definitely wanted to stay with June and speak with him more. However, her nervousness got the best of her.

"Wait," June said, making her halt. "Why don't you stay a bit?"

Her heart raced inside her chest, her cheeks instantly flushing. She slightly turned around and asked in a small voice, "Really?"

June chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, sure. Come here," he patted the spot next to him.

Jia bit her lip and eagerly sat next to the handsome idol. She praised every deity out there, giving thanks for the blessing she had received.

The two of them sat in silence. However, it wasn't awkward. Instead, it was quite peaceful—with the sound of the waves breaking through their silence.

"This is nice," Jia said, looking at the stars in the sky.

June followed her gaze and softly smiled. "Yeah," he said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Hey," June suddenly said, causing Jia to snap her gaze at him. June kept looking at the stars while Jia continued observing his face.


"You voted for me, right? On Rising Stars?" he asked.

"Yes!" Jia enthusiastically said. "Every day! You know, my mom makes lots of money, so I asked her for 'stars allowance' during those days."

June chuckled in amusement. "Why did you vote for me? I'm not as handsome as Casper or Zeth back then. I also wasn't the most talented."

Jia was left speechless by June's question. Then, she started looking back on the days when June came into her life.

"Hmm," she hummed, thinking of the right words to say.

Jia hasn't concluded it until now.

Why did she start liking idols?

She failed to acknowledge it back then, but now it has become clear.

The truth was, she was going through a tough time, but not in the way most people might think.

It wasn't because she had it worse than others. In fact, she always considered herself lucky. She had food on the table, supportive friends, and a complete family—even though they were often busy with their lives.

But there was something else.

She couldn't acknowledge the emptiness she felt because she always thought she didn't deserve it. Why would she be sad when others were sadder?

But then, Jia realized that the source of her turmoil was herself. She was too tough, too hard on herself, and it was taking a toll on her mental well-being.

Then, one day, June came into her life. She never really understood why idols were so popular back then. She couldn't grasp why people went crazy over them, fawning over their every move.

But when she met June, it all just clicked into place.

It wasn't because those people just wanted some eye candy and someone to fangirl over.

They weren't crazy, and she realized she wasn't either.

It was like stepping into a whole new world—a world where she could escape from the harsh realities that had been weighing her down.

In this world, she could be the happiest version of herself.

She was surrounded by people who shared the same interests as she did.

And it was a world where she didn't have to be so hard on herself.

In today's time, there are still people out there who might consider fangirling and niche hobbies to be cringy, but she didn't care.

This was her world, and June was at the very center of it.

June made her happy in a way she couldn't have imagined.

It wasn't just about his looks or his talent; it was about the community that formed around the shared love for him and the group. It was about the joy they found in supporting and celebrating someone who had become an inspiration in their lives. It was about the escape from the relentless pressure she put on herself and the chance to be a part of something bigger.

It was a reminder that it's okay to let go, to be passionate about something, and to find happiness in the little things. June helped Jia see that, and she'll forever be grateful for the world he introduced her to—the world that became her escape from her own relentless self-criticism.

So, when she looked back at June, with him still staring at the stars, she couldn't help but smile.

June was the star himself.

"Why?" she asked after a while, breaking the silence. "I honestly don't know. It came naturally, I guess."

"Naturally?" June asked, finally snapping his gaze away from the stars and staring into Jia's eyes.

"Yeah," Jia smiled, avoiding his gaze and looking at the waves.

"You're like the waves of the sea?" Jia chuckled at her metaphor. "I've always thought I was lucky, but beneath the surface, there was a storm. Then, you came into my life...naturally. You're like a gentle wave. Ah, I don't know. Is that weird?"

June stayed silent for a moment.

"No, it isn't weird."

"Just—you're not hard to like," Jia said. "I feel like you were born to be a star. You're a natural."

June nodded, feeling a bit flustered with her touching words.

"A natural?" he whispered to himself.

Then, at that moment, everything became clear. N♡vεlB¡n: Your Escape into Infinite Tales.

The sound of the waves.

The sand trickled along with the wind.

The melody of the trees of the leaves that ever-so-lightly danced to the rhythm of the gentle breeze.

"Natural," he repeated, sounding sure.

Then, he stood up, surprising Jia.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

June looked down at Jia and smiled. "Thanks, you just gave me an answer."

"Uh, you're welcome?" Jia asked.


That's what he was missing.

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