Chapter 269: Debut Team (3)

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The moment Casper's name left Minho's lips, a strange silence swept through the dome. Casper, who had been second throughout the competition, had now slipped to third. 

Many couldn't believe their ears. For the first time in the night, the audience was stunned to silence.

It wasn't too big of a drop, but it was something they didn't expect at all. 

- Casper at third? Who the hell is second, then? 

- Holy shit. I never expected this. The eliminated trainees couldn't believe it, too. Jangmoon almost fell out of his seat as Casper walked to the front. 

"What if...," Jangmoon whispered to himself. Stepping forward, Casper took the microphone with grace. His voice was steady as he addressed the hushed crowd. 

"Thank you, everyone. It's an honor to be standing here tonight. You've all worked hard to get me to reach this point. However, I just want to say that it's not about the rank we've achieved but the journey that brought us here." Casper said those words, but in reality, he wanted to scream in agony. He was aiming for first place tonight! But now, he has dropped to third. 

"At the end of the day, we'll all be one team," Casper continued. 

"So, I encourage all of you to support our team and to cheer for us as a collective. Because we're only as strong as the support we receive from you." 

- Third? This dude definitely does not deserve just third place. 

- Oh, come on. He's still in the group! 

- Whoever replaced Casper should get be hated. - Oh gosh. The dude just told us to support their team as a collective. I guess the battle of the solo stans has now started. After Casper's speech, the silence that had fallen over the audience now shifted into applause and cheers. Casper sat at his seat, taking his place on the left side of the apex of the triangle. 

June, still bewildered by Casper's unexpected third-place finish, tried to piece together what had happened. 

His predictions had now turned to dust, and he wondered who had risen so high to overtake the former frontrunner. Minho stepped forward, his voice filled with excitement and tension. 

"Starlights, it's the moment you've all been waiting for. The center position, the heart of the team, will now be announced. Let me share with you the contenders for this position."

The mentors had started creating theories among themselves. 

"I don't know anymore," Hyerin said. 

"I was certain about two ranks—the first and second. However, now, I'm thrown away." "Who do you think got Casper's spot?"

Bone asked. "I can't think of anyone right now." 

Gun pursed his lips. "I can think of someone."

June, too, wracked his mind for some theories. He hadn't given much thought to the center position, as it was Zeth to begin with. Aside from that, he had his eyes firmly on the eighth seat. However, he still couldn't help but grow curious about who the contenders for the centers were. Minho continued, 

"The first name we're calling is no surprise to anyone. He's been a constant presence in the top rankings. Zeth!"

The audience erupted in applause as Zeth made his way to the stage. 

- This is already expected. Please, just reveal who the next trainee is. 

- Guys, what if it's C-Jay? 

- Stop dreaming, kid. The trainees, too, couldn't keep silent as they looked around the group. June's eyes strayed toward Jaxon, whom he believed could make it to the top two.

He was, undoubtedly, very popular. However, he feared a bit for his sanity since Casper's fans were also known to be brutal creatures—and they wouldn't be too kind if Jaxon took their favorite trainee's place. 

June's thoughts were abruptly cut off when he heard a familiar name. His heart raced, and for a moment, he stood frozen. 'Nah,' he shook his head. It was probably just his imagination. 

This announcement was making him hear things! However, as he felt everybody's eyes on him, he started feeling more anxious. 

"It's you," Sehun said, making his ears ring. The spotlight now shone on him, and the other trainees urged him to walk to where Zeth was. 

"June," Minho repeated, chuckling. 

"Please join Zeth on the stage." June's eyes widened as he pointed at himself. 

"Me?" he exclaimed, looking almost comical. 


- WTH! I was about to get mad at the person who took Casper's place, but now I can't get mad at June. 

Jia and Bora screamed so loud that they busted the eardrums of the people next to them. It was an exhilarating moment—one they had never expected before. 

Mimi, too, couldn't help but stand up from her seat when June's name was called.

Sasha quickly pulled her down before the camera panned to her, though. Hana, who was watching in the luxury of her home, spilled her popcorn all over the couch when her childhood friend's name was called. 

"June, you made it!" Grandma and Minjun hugged each other warmly since June had finally made it—he was going to debut. However, despite the joy that enveloped the room, there were people who weren't too happy with the announcement—two people, in fact. 

First was Lin Zhi. He pursed his lips to hide his scowl. He knew that June was popular and that his debut wouldn't be too strange. 

However, debuting at such a high spot was preposterous. And the other one was June himself. He didn't want to debut in such a high rank, and now, he was thrust into a spotlight he wasn't prepared for. 

[Yay! You're second.] 

'Shut the fuck up, Fu.' Numb and still surprised, June walked to where Zeth was. Zeth's wide smile, paired with the audience's cheers, only heightened June's disorientation. 

He stood there, his expression blank, as a million thoughts raced in his mind. Facing each other at the heart of the stage, Zeth and June were urged to hold hands by the crew member below them. Great, now they looked like those contestants in Miss Universe. 

The spotlight focused on the two of them, and June continued cursing in his mind.

He was, perhaps, the very first trainee who didn't want to hear his name called. 'Alright, let's debut second,' he said, trying to calm himself down. Zeth would definitely be the center. That was the rule of life! If, somehow, the universe broke it, then the balance of all humankind will also be thrown off. 

[Sure, keep telling yourself that.] 

'Shut the fuck up!' 

"We have two amazing trainees with us today—both with exquisite talent. However, only one of them would be the center of the debut team." 

'And that would be Zeth,' June repeatedly said in his mind. 

"I won't prolong this any further," Minho announced, opening the envelope of the first-place trainee. 

"The center of the debut group is...

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