Chapter 279: First Live

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- It's EVE! I love your guys' music!

- They haven't even released any music.

- I love your faces!

"Hey," Casper waved at the camera. "We just wanted to drop by and greet you, guys. I feel like it's been too long since we've spoken to each other."

"We haven't spoken at all, actually," Akira chimed.

Casper scoffed and pushed Akira away. "Don't listen to this guy. We missed you, guys!"

"We're going to answer a few of your questions," Sehun said. "As long as it's not a spoiler."

"We don't even have anything to spoil," Ren said. "We're still clueless about everything!"

- Gosh, it's only been a few minutes, but they're already so loud.

- I thought C-Jay being voted out would make the group more tame, but I have been proven wrong.

- When are you going to debut?

"We got a question, guys!" Jaeyong said, trying to tame the wild kids. "When are we going to debut?"

"There's not an exact date," Zeth responded professionally. "But, we'll be seeing you guys soon...very, very soon."

'Too soon,' June thought.

- Do you guys live together now?

"Oh, this question is asking about our living situation! We actually live in separate rooms in one huge dorm!" Jisung responded.

"Fortunately," June muttered under his breath. Thankfully, they all had separate rooms. Their shared living rooms and bathrooms were still a nightmare, though.

- Who cooks in the house?

Ren clicked his tongue. "Right now, we just order food and call it a day. However, there's free food at our company during breakfast and lunch, so we only order during dinner!"

"I wish someone would cook for us, though," Zeth chimed. "But I think these guys can't cook at all."

June didn't say anything. He knew how to cook. He also enjoyed cooking.

But cooking for eight people every night was something he wasn't looking forward to.

So, in the end, he decided that ordering was the best way to go, too.

- Do you already have a concept for your debut?

"A concept, huh?" Ren asked. Then, Chul cleared his throat and gestured for them not to answer the question.

Zeth pursed his lips and took the initiative to answer for the team. "You guys must be curious, right? Well, you just have to stay tuned to our debut. Again, it won't be too long, so prepare yourselves."

The live stream continued with the members answering the questions. June, on the other hand, still had his mind on his stage name, so he wasn't able to participate enthusiastically.

- I'm so excited for you guys to debut. My money is ready to buy a tonne of your albums.

Jaeyong chuckled but quickly shook his head. "Don't do that. Save your money for better things."

"Yeah," Zeth chimed. "One album is enough!"

- When are you going to reveal the leader of the group?

"Perfect timing!" Jaeyong said. "We're about to decide that, actually. We'll tell it to you in due time."

Chul stood up from his seat and gestured for the team to finish the live. Casper quickly cleared his throat and smiled.

"Well, I guess that's it for today, guys. We'll be seeing you very soon! Bye!"

"Bye, everyone!"

The members enthusiastically waved at the camera while June gave them a small wave.

With that, their first live had finally ended.

"My cheeks are hurting from smiling too much," Akira said, massaging his face.

"But that was so much fun," Jisung enthusiastically said. "I feel like a real idol now."

Sehun chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it kind of feels surreal, too."

"June, you didn't talk much," Ren pointed out. "Are you okay—"

"Alright," Chul clapped, cutting their conversation short. "We need to settle the leader situation now. You guys can just vote for whoever you want, then we'll see how it works out."

June raised his hand.

"Are the stage names final now?" he asked.

"It's final," Chul said. "Your names will be revealed once the teaser images are posted."

June clenched his fists and restrained himself from punching their manager. Their team name might have been pretty good, but if his stage name was going to be Hoho for the next three years, then June might rethink becoming an idol after all.

"So, let's not dwell on that," Chul said. "Who do you vote for as your leader?"

June continued to stay silent while his members meaningfully looked at each other. From their living situation now, it seemed like June was the most fit to become their leader.

It wouldn't be too strange for him to become the leader too.

Kiera was the leader of GIRLS' EVOLUTION.

Jordan was the leader of BOYMYSTIC.

It would only make sense for June to also become their leader.

Jisung raised his hand. "I think June would be best fitted to become our leader."

"Yeah, I think so, too," Akira said.

"I'd like June to become our leader, too," Jaeyong chimed.

However, there were people who weren't too fond of that idea.

Two people, in fact—Chul and June.

"Umm, do you guys have other nominees?" Chul asked.

June quickly raised his hand. "I think Jaeyong should become the leader," he quickly said. "He's one of the oldest here, and he also has experience becoming a leader in RAVEN."

Jaeyong turned to June, surprised to hear his suggestion. It couldn't be denied that he was quite touched, too. Jaeyong definitely missed being the leader of their group, and it made him feel flattered to hear June acknowledging it.

Chul quickly nodded in agreement.

"Alright," he said. "We'll go with that. Jaeyong's going to be the official leader then."

June sighed in relief, leaning back against his chair.

"Okay," the others quickly agreed, not minding the decision.

However, Jisung nudged June's shoulder, looking a bit concerned. "You okay?" he asked.

June gave him two big thumbs up. He has never felt happier knowing he wasn't going to be their leader.

Being the center was already tough.

He didn't need another title to go along with it.

"I don't like our new manager," Jisung whispered.

June frowned and glanced at their manager, who was subtly looking at June with a weird expression.

"Do you need anything, Hoho?" Chul asked, raising his eyebrows when he caught June staring at him.

June pursed his lips and looked away. "Nothing," he muttered.

June doesn't like their new manager, too.

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