And Then There Were 10

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A/N; I'm putting the theme song in this one, then in the future I will just put theme song plays.

In Outer Space, a massive brown ship is attacking a much smaller teal ship, somewhere out near Jupiter. Inside the large ship;

"Hull damage: 20 percent, weapons system's still operational," a robotic lieutenant says.  

"I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way!" Vilgax shouts. 

Meanwhile, on Earth. Y/N Tennyson is seen sitting in school, crafting a paper air-plane, proceeding to throw it at the back of his teacher's head.

The teacher gasps. The teacher looks back at Y/N, poorly pretending to read his book, smooshing his face in between the pages. 

The clock ticks as Y/N is waiting for the bell to ring. He looks anxiously at the clock. 

"Come on... Come on..."

"And I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up."

"Yeah, right." The bell rings. "Yes! Outta here!"

"Everyone, have a good vacation, and I hope to see you all again in the fall."

Y/N walks towards the classroom door. The teacher holds up Y/N's paper airplane.

"Y/N, could I have a word with you before you go?"

Y/N huffs and walks over to the teacher's desk. 

Meanwhile, outside. Cash Murray and J.T. back Jamie into a tree. 

"Normally, we'd take your money and beat you up. But since it's the last day of school, we're going to give you a break. Now fork over the cash, so we can get out of here," Cash Murray says.

"Leave him alone!"

"Get lost, shrimp," J.T. says. 

"I said, back off!"

"Oh, looks like we got us a hero. Suppose we don't wanna back off?"

"What are ya gonna do about it, Tennyson?"

The three stare intently, then Y/N runs towards them triumphantly. Y/N and Jamie hang up on a tree branch by their underwear, as a squirrel squeaks and scampers off.

"Thanks a lot," Jamie says sarcastically. 

"I was just trying to help."

"Next time you wanna play hero, make sure you can back it up."

"Or have back up!"

The two look down to see Fred, who helps them both down. Y/N and Fred walk towards the parking lot.

"It's going to be so boring spending summer without you man."

"I know. But my mom wants me to spend time with him, she's all 'be good for for your grandpa!' and I don't get to see him much."

"It sucks man. I had so many plans for us this summer."

"Me too but-"

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