The Krakken

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A bright moon is lighting up the foggy forest below. A large lake, surrounded by trees and mist, stays undisturbed. 

"Cannonball!" Y/N shouts as he jumps into the lake, making a large splash. 

Y/N pops up back to the surface. 

He imitates a sports commentator. "'Judges score... yes! Perfect 10! Yeah!" He imitates a crowd woo-ing. "The crowd loves him!'"

Gwen watches unimpressed from the end of a pier, with a shining torch on hand. "'A perfect dweeb' is more like it."

"Come on, dive in!"

"...Please! Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering around in there."

Gwen shines a torch around the lake's surface to illustrate her point, landing the torch on Y/N. 

"I rest my case."

"What's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?"

Y/N splashes the water from the lake onto Gwen. 

She gasps. "Knock it off midget!"

Gwen walks away back to the Rust Bucket, but as she does Y/N begins to violently splash around in the water. 

"Hey!" He coughs. "What's -- Happen--?" He gets sucked under the surface.

"Very funny Y/N... I'm not falling for it." She walks back over to shine a light on where Y/N went under. "...Y/N?"

The water bubbles and a giant green swamp-creature lurches out of it towards Gwen, growling at her. Gwen screams in fright, falling over and dropping the torch, which rolls on the ground to shine on the creature, revealing it to be Y/N's Four Arms transformation covered in seaweed. 

"Y/N?" She questions annoyed. 

"You should have seen the look on your face!" He chuckles. "Ah, priceless!"

Gwen gets up to go back to the RV. "You are so busted when I tell Grandpa!"

Four Arms laughs to himself as he takes the seaweed off. "I can't believe she fell for it! A monster in the lake! How dumb can you be?"

The water bubbles and splashes behind Y/N, causing him to turn and see a gigantic silhouette of a monster rising out of the water behind him, shocking him greatly.

*Theme Plays*

Four Arms looks up towards the monstrous silhouette lurching above him. A tendril from the figure shoots out at him, grabbing and launching him across the lake. Y/N pops back out of the water and looks around him for the monster. As he does, something latches onto him and drags him under. While underwater Y/N gets a look at the monster's giant eye. Y/N gasps and manages to break free of the tendrils to get back to the surface and the Rust Bucket. 

Four Arms bursts into the Rust Bucket out of breath, waking Max and Gwen. "I was just attacked by a giant lake monster!

Gwen lazily throws a pillow at Y/N's face. "Hello? Current events? You already got me with that one."

"But I'm not kidding this time!"

"Come on champ, joke's over."

"...But I--"

"Get some sleep, remember we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip."

Y/N times out, transforming back into his human form, lying starfish-positioned on the ground. 

Y/N, Gwen, and Max walk along the coast, Max with a fishing rod in hand. 

"No, really! It was humongous with these red glowing eyes--!"

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