Chapter XIII: Call to arms

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The sounds of a rapidly printing fax machine disturbed the hooded one's layer.
Considering the undisclosed location of their hideout, and the peacefulness of their area, they knew for sure whatever the message may be, it was urgent.

Wellit, a man in his late twenties, who admired his master more than anyone ran with the paper dangling in his hand. He barged into Master Puppet's office, disregarding the consequences of such disrespect. Puppet looked up, taking off his reading glasses and putting down the crosswords he was solving.

"I apologize for the disturbance my Master, but you need to read this!" Wellit fell to the ground guilty, not even looking up for a second as the disappointed gaze of Puppet would be as painful to him as a knife to the chest. Puppet tore the paper out of his hand without saying a word. He stared at the message silently as his face slowly tensed up.

"The inspector could be here any moment sir!" Wellit said with his head still down.

"We sent the charred remains of a child when they asked for proof that we eliminated the Fire Without Light. It was only a matter of time before they send someone." Puppet put the paper on a desk and walked out of his office signaling to Wellit to follow.

"You know what to do. Close off any secret passages, alert Anvil, and Secretary to ready the whole team; and call in Mantis. The inspector will require every family member to be here."

"And what about you sir?" Wellit looked at him curiously.

"I'll look for a wine for the occasion." Puppet let a smile show in the corner of his mouth as he separated from his underling.

Not long after the alarms at the entrance were sounded, an old metal door slowly opened and with hasty steps a frustrated looking man made his way into the hideout. The first person he saw was Puppet who welcomed him with open arms.
"Inspector Nasitas! What a pleasant sur-"

"Cut the bullshit Puppet! I might be called an inspector, but I'll be your judge today!" Nasitas walked past Puppet without a handshake, barely regarding him at all.

"What makes you so disturbed sir?" Puppet's slimy grin faded by the animosity of the inspector.

"You know it damn well! Now show me around in your facility." Nasitas took his time completing an exhaustive investigation in every room. In some paperwork was done by yellow striped hooded ones. In a different one Anvil was training some orange family members. "How many Ever Family members are here?"

"Forty. I promoted Chainsmoker to fill Turtle's position, and recruited a young man named Pearl to fill the gap." Puppet explained as they walked down the hall.

"I heard of Turtles death. Still, it's peculiar that you only keep the minimal number of subordinates. Usually, some extra orange and yellow ones are expected." Nasitas checked a box on the paper as he looked at the man from the corner of his eye.

"I like to keep to the rules. Makes things simpler."

"It sure does." The inspector kept eye contact with Puppet for a while before moving on. "Now let's have a discussion in your office. After that you are to be judged."

"Of course." Puppet led the way to his office with an inviting smile. They sat down. Puppet leaned back in his higher more comfortable chair, while Nasitas tried to find a position in his chair that didn't feel like the wood was digging into his flesh.

"Wine?" Puppet poured out a glass of red wine for himself and was ready to do the same for Nasitas.

"No. And I'd prefer if you did the same." Nasitas pulled the empty glass away in refusal.

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