The Pacifist vs The Predator

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"Master... are you sure about this?" The lanky man asked, hiding in the shadows of Karta Forest. His weak voice creaked like the hinges on an old door.

"Why is everyone questioning me all of a sudden? The children need to distrust and fear cleaners. I don't want them to feel like they have someone to help them! Now do you understand your task, Mantis?"

"Yes Master!"

"No matter what happens, keep your urges in check. You cannot kill any of them. Just scare them." Puppet ended the call with his subordinate.

Back to the children

"Second Reality?" Exclaimed Niel in confusion.

"That's what the few overhumans I met called it." Rosa said unsure. "You need to learn how to open a passageway. First you relax your body, then you take a deep breath and imagine your body is one with the air, then just take a step forward."

"Sounds like meditation. Ken will be awful at that!" Chuckled Marco right until he saw the pointy hair of Ken poking his side.

"You wanna go to the Second Reality in two pieces?" Ken pulled up his sleeves in anger while Terry waved a sage stick at him.

"Wait where is Ren? And Luna? And Faul?" Asked Niel confused.

"They already made it through. They have a real knack for it!" Said Rosa proudly. "But don't worry, the people that can't open a portal by themselves can be pulled through by the one who created it."

"Are you guys coming or not?" Ren poked his head back from his portal.

"Ain't no way I'm using help if Ren could do it!" Shouted Ken as the others stepped into Ren's portal.

"Why aren't you going Rosa?" Ken gave a voice to his confusion.

"Well you said you'd do it yourself, I'm here to cheer you on!" Exclaimed Rosa with a warm smile. Ken's face went a bit pink from Rosa's words but he forced the blood back from his cheeks. Ken took a deep breath, looked at Rosa, closed his eyes and stepped forward. Nothing. He tried again, Deep breath, Rosa in front of him, eyes closed, nothing...

"You better do it this time because otherwise you'll knock me off my feet." Chuckled Rosa. Ken didn't say anything just took one last step. His wision went blury as strands of white light surrounded his field of view. Finally he found himself with the others. Rosa popped up next to him from her own portal.

Meanwhile outside of Younen an alarm sounded in the nearest Cleaner outpost.

"What is it, pawn?" A commanding voice demanded answer.

"Suddenly overhumans entered the closed off area in Karta Forest. More specifically where Younen is in the human reality."

"How many? Twelve, no sorry... thirteen."

"This many people got powers from yesterday's wave just in Younen? But how do they figure out how to enter the Second Reality this soon?" The man raised the question. "Send a two-man squad out to investigate the situation. They should only observe the overhumans for now. I'll have to call headquarters on our further actions."

"Understood." The young cleaner with the rank of pawn dialed a number. "Cleaner squad #273 please ready your gear, you'll go out on a scout mission."

"Well done! We are all here!" Rosa cheered the others on.

"Woah! Are we still in the village for sure? It's like we're in Karta Forest." Marco stood in awe of the sight.

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