Miss Valentine

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Miss Valentine does not like chocolate,
For them being too sweet for the rapture,

Miss Valentine does not enjoy the atmosphere,
For them being too cower for the satisfaction.

What does Miss Valentine like for her to be herself?
Miss Valentine never respond nor refute to such query.
Oh Miss Valentine, what's got you so down?
Such expression foresee, the exhausted sign planted on her face.
"I do not want to be Miss Valentine."


"I wish to be free, free from the enchanted day of love, free from those who wishes for me to stay."

I cannot seem to understand, Miss Valentine.

"No, of course you wouldn't."

Incapitated, she is not herself.
She does not feel like herself.
How do I return to myself when I cannot even understand what I used to be?

Miss Valentine, the goddess of love..
..Or just a lone human?

Incapitated, that was the only thing she could understand of herself.
Yes, her name;
Miss Valentine was not herself without Valentine.

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