Ella woke up with a wolf. Strangest of the strangest things happened yesterday. After that amazing show in club, and her quick snack, on her way home she stumbled upon beautiful white she wolf, actually she tripped over her on exit. Beautiful wild creature with amber eyes kept following her since. You know I could eat you - wolf just huffed with indignate nison - I mean seriously I totally could - she wolf just rolled her eyes... Don't roll eyes on me Missy... Ella didn't know what to do... stupid she wolf... Her own amber eyes kept inspecting animal, what to do , what to do? Should I take you to vet or something? Are you sick? You know I can't keep pets here, my landlord would kill me if he find out... She wolf just snickerd on her ranting.
So what's up with the wolf? Is he your new pet? Her ever-nosy witch neighbour asked while strutting direkt in her kitchen, and serving herself with some cereal...
-Oh please come in Ally , would you like some breakfast Ally ?! Ella is becoming iritated with this unexpected situation, -You know what , shoo, shoo wolf , you should go to your home, find some forest, to run around or mountain or wherever you wolfes live. Wolf wasn't budging instead , she started stretching herself and after thorough inspection of Ella's living room, she plopped herself on her white sofa and started grooming herself. What the actual fuck?! -Ella was perplexed.
So where did wolf come?- Ally asked munching on cereal.
- I DON'T KNOOOW!!! - yesterday I was out in that new club Mistic and when I tried to leave I literally stumbled over her, and she started following me, I try to run to lose her, but stupid wolf is as fast as I am, so no luck there,and now she refuses to leave.
Feeling homey already?- she asks wolf - If I give you steak will you leave?- another wolfish roll of the eyes.
-You know it's kinda funny, no it's hilarious. -Ally couldn't contain laugh anymore, Vampire with the pet wolf. Ella and the Wolf both snapped eyes on the Witch.
Why? Asked Ella trying to controll her temper.
Well for starters you are natural enemies? -Ally contemplated.
-So what? And Witches and Vampires aren't?- Ella replied defensively. -Well that's different.- Ally said.
-How ? Am I supposed to discriminate whom I will eat? Don't forget I can eat you both, I choose not to. For the moment, keep pushing me and you both will see.
- But I'm your friend, you can't eat your friends! -Ally was almost screeching.
- Oh I certainly can but I won't because you probably taste like shit, you know you are what you eat, and you are eating that shitty cereals for years now. Fermentet milk and cereals. -Ella shuderred at the tought emphasizing. -You know what I'm offended...
-Tough, I don't care.
Now go home, I have guest here as you can see.
-Crazy -Ally mumbled leaving Ella alone with the wolf.-Now wolfie what is gonna be? We can do this nice way or not so nice way, but bottom line you have to go.
To say Ella's plan was total fluke is understatement. After not succeseeden in her plan to bribe a wolf with raw steak, Ella lost her patience and temper and whole hell broked, trying forcibly removing cursed animal. Half an hour later aftermath of a fight was devastating. There was nothing whole left in her apartment, nothing. As she was sitting in a huge pile of broken pieces of sofa, chairs, tables and what not, she will never admit that, but she started quietly crying and as a cherry on the top stupid wolf came and started licking her face, cleaning her tears, then she cried some more burrowing her head in soft white fur of the strange wolf, and for some reason that felt comforting. Aguess you'll have to stay - she finally whispered and a stupid wolf had audacity to snort almost mocking her "you don't say".
Who will clean this mess? - she was once more talking to her self while wolf just gave her pointedly look.
-Lucky me with smart-ass wolf as a pet!- wolf growled on her - What's a matter you don't like to be called pet? So what are you then if not pet? Ella kept antagonizing wolf.
-Suddenly she heard it in her head- Protector - In her 120tish years as a Vampire, she never had heard voices in her head so she had done first sensible thing after meeting wolf, and fainted.
-Ella, Ellaaa
-Oh finally you are awake-she heard Allys voice
Boy if there ever was hangover this was mother of all of them, Ella's head was dize of watermelon and pulsating. She was struggling to open her eyes. At first she couldn't remember what happened exactly, but then started to have glimpses of what happened, she was remembering club, a werewolf, then her snack and the strange wolf, then fighting with a wolf and trashing apartament. However when she fully opened her eyes she was met with her apartment in perfect condition so it must have been dream, one hell of a dream, fucking nightmere. -So why are you here Ally?
-Ally gave her incredible look- Now Ella are you for real asking me why am I here?
-Well yeah it's my apartment last time I checked. -
-Lovely , your apartment you don't say, so what do you remember last?
-Why are you acting so weird, what do you mean what I remember last?
-Just tell me! I swear to God Ella I will turn you in frog,ugly one for that matter, if you don't tell me.
-Well the club, the new one, I must have over drink again... you won't belive what dream I had...
-Oh I have feelin' that I will, so tell me about that dream of yours.
-I dreamt that I had wolf as a pet, huge one, white and I tried to get ridd of it, and we were fighting and I trashed my place.
-You don't say , you dreamed about white wolf , you mean like that one lying on your sofa. Ella's head snapped in sofa direction.
-Noooo- it can't be- you are joking-it can't be real- place was total mess...
-Oh darling but it is, and you forget that your dear friend is very talented and skillfull Witch, so there is that.
-Please don't kill eachother while I am gone, there is council meeting I have to attend. And don't you dare trash your place again I lost two hours repairing all the damage.
Work in progress: Wolves Of Silent Valley
Werewolfwerewolf fantasy This is my first attempt to write something seriously. I do have general idea where this story will go, but I don't know when and how it will end. So let's think about this story as an adventure. There will be tons of grammar and...