Anger issues

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Ryan was seething behind his massive mahogany desk. -Mia what was that yesterday?! -I don't wanna talk about it! -Too bad since I don't wanna nothing more then talk about it?! What the fucking hell?! Have you lost your mind?  To change in front so many vitnesses? You almost bit of someone head yesterday? -Well that's not on me, my wolf didn't liked being mistaken for a Husky. Mia muttered. - Are you for real ? Are you high or something,  I just can't understand,  should you and your wolf be in rolled in basic training with this year pups again or what? You don't seem to understand how close to biggest shit show in history we were if I didn't come to club on time. Mia was just listening, part of her knew that she was in wrong here, but bigger part of her didn't want to back down, she should ripped head of that red head vampire while she had a chance, next time she won't hesitate. Her Alpha was looking at her experastly,  her lack of reaction fueling his anger to the new undiscovered heights. Ryan was good level head Alpha, rarity in supernatural  world but now he was just perplexed and mad, just mad. Finally Mia start her half hearted apology... Look Alpha for what is worth I am sorry that my action put you in bad books among our kind but I would be laying if I said that I wouldn't do it again, I would and this time I would make sure to kill fucking bloodsucking bitch... Apparently that was wrong thing to say to already triggered Alpha wolf. Her statement pushed him over edge,  in a blink of eye Mia was pinned on the office wall, Alpha halfchanged splutering and groveling, all over her. Mia was fighting for her dear life, when two betas barged in Alpha office. They tried to pry Mia away from mad Alpha hands. At the end Ryan somehow succeeded to subdue his inner wolf before he killed his betas mate. The truth is, if it would be someone else he would be dead long time ago. He huffed and puffed pacing in circles among debris of his work desk, and before  he bolted into the forest he gave punishment to his beta female, she could choose between a week in dungeon or two months of cleaning.  Runing through the woods always calmed Alpha, but this time was different,  the more he runned, the more agitated he became. -What's  wrong- his beta mindlinked him -I don't know- alpha said -my wolf is acting out. You don't say, you almost killed Mia, let me tell you beta Sean wasn't impressed- his second beta Paul snickerd. - At least she is alive, he should be happy. -Yeah, yeah you'll welcome to tell him that personally. Anyway are you done with run, I am dying here I've been chasing you for hours now. -Why , are you afraid that I 'll abandon my own pack or just you? - Ha-ha, nope, you wish, you actually has guests,  they already been patiently waiting for a couple hours. -Why wouldn't you mindlink me sooner then? -Well I was hoping that you'll calm down eventually,  enough to see your guests. Since that didn't happen I have no choice but too inform you , your sister is here and so is her special friend. -Arghhhhhh, sometimes I wonder what is wrong with my sister, she never learns. Alpha was sick and tired of his sister and her meddling in his personal life. -Let's go, faster we meet them, faster we move with our usual life. - Hope you're right -Paul had his doubts.
-BROTHER!!! High pitched voice screamed while running toward him, blond wisps of hair flying all around small female form. Alphas face couldn't remain indifferent,  no matter how much he tried. At the end of the day, he loved his sister very much, she was sometime annoying but what sibling aren't? He opened his arms catching her and twirling her few times around, before putting her down and whisper yelling at her. -What scheme are you trying to pull around this time Ty, please don't tell me you brought again one of yours crazy "Alpha loving" friends? His sister poutet and said -It was one time, one time!? -Really, are you trying to convince me or yourself?-Ryan replied. - Ok, I'll admit it was few times, but this time you won't be mad at me,this time I think I got it, wait till you meet her, you can thank me later. She is 23, warrior, strong beautiful wolf from Silent Shadow pack. Just give her a chance,  she is gorgeous,  with waist length black hair, and big brown eyes, and her skin is so flawless- his sister was babbling.  Ryan sighed - Ok, ok I'll meet her at the pack dinner,  just stop nagging me. -Thank you, thank you I promise you won't regret it! -Tylor screamed simultaneously kissing his cheek before bolting in direction of pack house. -Oh I am sure I will.- Ryan muttered for himself standing stunned for a moment,  before continuing to his office, the one he trashed,  he groaned remembering that first he has to call remodeling firm.

Work in progress: Wolves Of Silent Valley Where stories live. Discover now