Screeching Witch

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"Wellcome, welcome, please follow me... a tall blonde hostes was suddenly stopped middsentence looking puzzled by presence of not so small wild animal. A little bewildered she turned in direction of Ella, Ally, and the she wolf with tousand questions in her eyes. Before she could say something, Ella said "Oh don't worry this is my service dog" -Ella firmly cupped wolf jaw so shewolf couldn't make a sound , "Look at her she is like big fluffy well doggy (Ella almost said bitch)..." wolf didn't liked that kind of endearment, very much and struggled without success in Ella's iron grip. Hostes was eying her suspiciously, unsure what to do "If you say so, but there is strict rules against any kind of animals in this club after last incident a month ago."
"Ooooh what kind of incident? asked Ally.
"Well somebody brought husky, and long story short it didn't end well" -blonde hostes explained.
"Oh,wow , I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't be parted from it you know I need it for my emotional support. Ella was gaging at the tought of emotion and needing support, but she was determined to smuggle stupid wolf and once again bend some rules, so she continued with her act " Look I know it's unusual but you don't want to see me cry in the middle of the dance floor trust me, I am loud and ugly cryer..."
Ally was furiosly nodding her dark-haired head confirming "Oh yeah , she is ugly cryer,you don't wanna witnessed that! Let's say your life won't ever be the same" .
"Well, well what's going on here, are you having trouble SWitch?"- a tall handsome men said while aproching them, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Matthew " - Ally grumbled underneath her breath puting her best fake smile while finally acknowledging stranger- "and no I don't have any trouble!"
-"Are you sure SWitch? It seems to me you have problem getting in." - Matthew said in sing song voice.
"No, I don't!" Ally scoffed. By now Ella had it enough, ignoring bickering between her friend and stranger she spoke to hostes "Look I don't know what's going on here , but can you show us to our places or what?"
- "You know what I let you in this time, as I can see you are listed as Vip guests so I doubt that there will be issues with your service dog, after all she is cutie! What's her name? " asked hostes "Lucifer" - Ella replied without second thought.
"Ohhhh" - hostes was stunned. Ally smacked Ella, while addressing the hostess, nervously laughing "She is kidding it's actually Lucy, she has that kind of weird sense of humor, you have to be drunk or high to understand..." Hostess looked even more confused.
Ally screeched once more "You see, you broked her! You and your lame jokes..." at that blonde hostess finally get her self together clean her throat coughing and led them to vip section of the club. Meanwhile shewolf wasn't impressed at all, rolling her eyes at Ella and Ally sending them message mindlinking them both at the same time clear and sound "Stupid bitches!" They both froze for moment looking at eachother then at wolf saying in unison "Impossible!".

"What, what is impossible?"-aked confused Matthew who was still trailing unnoticed behind trio. Ally looked at Matthew this time not hiding hostility "Again, why are you here? You are not wanted nor wellcome here!"
- "Oh don't be such a brat Ally, are you still mad at me because of the curse?" Matthew innocently asked. Ella usually minded her business and wasn't one to get herself in middle of something she didn't know anything about it but this guy was annoying, so she intertwined "Look I don't know you, Ally seems to not like you so just fuck of, and stop following us you pervert! I am here to have some fun not to be accosted or followed by some inmature egocentric dickhead!" She then grabbed Ally's hand and started dragging her to the nearest free booth while Matthew kept standing with his mouth half open. Altercation happened so fast, he didn't had chance to replie anything. At the same time in the booth, Ella was relived and said "Finnaly, I need something strong! " but when she looked at Ally she find a witch bawling her eyes out- "What the actual fuck is wrong with you, now?!"
Ally started hiccuping while hysterically crying which made Ella even more uncomfortable.
"Ttt-hank you so, so much E-Ella..." -Ally was trying to thank her "I can't believe it was you, of all of my so called friends to broke the curse".
Ella was angry "How many times I had to tell you that I am not your friend and what curse?!"
"Keep denying how much you want but curse wouldn't be broken if you didn't want to protect me" Ally was smiling and crying at the same time.
Ella was iritated and asked once more "What curse Ally?!"
- "See you didn't even notice, because you must really love me- Ally cried some more - it was screeching, you never asked yourself why was I allways screeching?"
Ella felt a little embarrassed " Well, I thought it was just the way you talk!" Ally didn't waste any time and hugged confused Ella. Vampire was stiff and try to pry herself out of unwanted hugg. "OK, ok that's enough for tonight, don't touch me anymore!"-
" OK, I won't but seriously thank you Ella" Ally once more try to thank and hug now already hissing Vampire.

Work in progress: Wolves Of Silent Valley Where stories live. Discover now