Brother dearest

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"So sis wanna explain how you got involved in a fight with Silent Shadow pack?" Marcus smirked,  toward not so happy Ella. Ella was still stewing in her own misery after she was forced to call her unsufferable big brother for help to cover her tracks at the Mistic. "I didn't start anything,  stupid wolf started that shit show." Ella gritted through her theets.
"Alpha or that one lying on a sofa?"-Marcus teased.
"Oh please like you haven't saw surveillance footage and  you don't know already. " -Ella was angry -"Stupid brother, stupid wolf, stupid witch, maybe it's time to move again".
-" Nope ,no,  no, no more runing Ella." Her brother told her with gentle voice. -"Does dad knows that you found me? I swear to God if you told him, I will personally stab you with a  wooden stick in your heart! " -Ella was fuming.
-"You know that won't kill me?" -Marcus laughed.
-"So sure of yourself? Just give me five minutes to find one and let's test that theory." -Ella was relentless.
-"No fighting  today, we have more important things to discuss,  not including your pet wolf." -Marcus tried to reason with Ella.
-"Can we just not today, please I really need some time to process everything and just relax?"
Marcus studied Ella and then replied - " Ok,  but just today, trust me  there so much that happened after you left that you need to know"
-"Ok, we'll discuss tomorrow. Thank you for coming,  I wasn't sure  you would come for me" -Ella said in a small voice. -"Awwww is my little sister becoming emotional? So cute. But seriously Ella I will always come for you, you know that."- Marcus replied - "Now tell me, what you're doing with a wolf?"
Ella didn't know even where to begin, but eventually she has somehow succeeded in explaining her current situationship with a strange wolf. Marcus still couldn't understand how Ella couldn't beat up wolf and teased her that she must becoming soft
since she hadn't trained fighting with another vampire for ages. However although he expected,  Ella to start beating his ass, she just told him  with evil glint in her eyes , you know what, maybe you should give a  try.  Marcus looked at her surprised, and after short consideration decided that he'll pass, at least this time. He couldn't fathom what is going on here but he had even bigger issues at his coven.  However that conversation will have to wait tomorrow. Ella was obviously exhausted, he quietly laughed looking at her already asleep after their conversation  on a sofa in weird position, and since it looked uncomfortable, he decided to pick her up and take her to her bedroom. However when he was about to pick her up , he was faced with menacing growl of seemingly indifferent wolf. He slowly turn around in direction of wolf and after a lot of non-verbal  persuasion, he was able to pick Ella up and move her to her bedroom under strict watch of alert wolf. After he tucked Ella in, he was shocked that wolf  jumped on Ella's bed, and he watched how Ella sighed and snuggled herself in white fur of said wolf. He was left speechless.

Ella was woked by loud voices coming from kitchen, she snuggled harder in something soft and shut her eyes harder. But she couldn't ignore constant screaming and moaning that kept getting louder and louder, so she jumped from bed and rushed in her kitchen ready to match screaming but she was left speechless at the sight of her half-naked brother being "manhandled" sort of by a witch.
"What in seven moons is going on here?" Ella somehow found some words. "Mmmmmm, oh don't stop now that Ella is here,I was enjoying it..." Marcus moaned unapologetic. Ally  looked at least embarrassed.
-"At the other note, you know what I don't wanna know, he is my brother and you ughhh disgusting ." -Ella said.
-"We didn't do anything, we had fight and we got caught on " -Ally tried to explain situation.
-"What I saw didn't look like fighting,  or is it groping now new fighting skill?" -Ella asked.
-"I didn't groped him!" -Ally screamed. -"Yess she did! But I forgive her." -Marcus looked somehow pleased with situation. Both women looked iritated at him, until Ella once again decided -"Let's pretend that this didn't happen!  Deal? " -"Deal! "-Ally and Marcus replied in unison, Ella giving them once more side eye,  while thinking how them involved would be catastrophic in more then one way. 

"So where you taking me tonight? Or better said us? " Ella asked her now fully clothed in all black brother. Marcus was one of the  most handsome Vampires outhere , altough pale he had so much charisma and presence in room, that his unusual coloring was overlooked every time, not mentioning his height and for a Vampire very unusual dark eyes.
"I don't know, maybe we should first stop by Zoo, get rid of your friend?" Marcus respond with a glint in his dark eyes. That seems to trigger hissing and grovling duo, and make Marcus laughed out loud. "Somebody is touchy, it was just a joke!"
-"Well I don't see anybody laughing beside yourself " Ella bit out .
"It can't be helped when you are born without humor" Marcus replied still laughing.
"You know what, whatever... just answer where you taking us" -Ella was persistent. 
"We are going to this mysterious restaurant on neutral territory that you begged me to take you last time I saw you, so I hope you can cut me some slacks and forgive me for not standing by your side when you needed me the most."-  Marcus said almost apologetic
"Aren't you trying little to hard to get on my good - Ella was amused.
"Maybe"  -Marcus smiled and with that they walked out of apartment .

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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