🌑New Friend!🌑

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- Fluff
- Mafia AU
- Human Lunar x Pollex

Lunar was walking to his favorite ice cream shop with Earth. They got in the and sat at a table. He put his crutches beside him on in the booth.

"You want the same thing?" Earth says in her usual sweet voice. "Yes, please!" Lunar said with a big smile as she went to put in their order. He sighed as he laid back in his seat. He was really, really, tired after the incident with Eclipse.

Earth came back with their ice cream and sat down. "Here you are, Lunar!" Earth past Lunar his ice cream. A nutella milkshake with rainbow sprinkles and cherries on top. She had a cherry cheesecake milkshake with chocolate syrup and chocolate covered strawberries.

As they enjoyed their milkshakes, Lunar saw someone out the corner of his eye. He saw a girl being chased by someone. He couldn't tell who was being chased, but he wouldn't sit around and do nothing.

"I'll be right back!" He left before she could say anything.

He went as fast as he could because of his crutches. He saw them go into an alleyway, so he quickly followed. When he got there, he saw a woman around the same age as him and a man who looked like one of Eclipse's many followers.

"Stop it! Let me go!" She tried to pull away from the man, but he wouldn't budge. "Don't mess with me, little girl! I know you saw it!"

Lunar just groaned in annoyance. 'It seems I have to remind Eclipse who's boss..' Lunar thought before he grabbed his crunches and walked normally.

"Hey, jackass.." Lunar said with a sharp torn. The man dropped the woman, causing her to grunt from the fall. The man turned around to curse at whoever dared to curse at him, but before he could say anything, he got hit with one of Lunars crutches. The woman gasped and backed up out of the way of the men.

"Fuck! What is.. wrong with you..?" The man's nose was bleeding, and he looked at Lunar with a scared look. Lunar just gave him a glare that could probably kill a man alone. "L- Lunar!? But Eclipse said you died!"

Lunar looked to the side and smiled, "Oh.. did he now? Well, I'm gonna need you to send a message to him, ok?" Lunar's smiled faded as he grabbed the man and shoved him into the wall behind them. "Tell Eclipse he should get ready.. because little brother is coming back home." He then pushed him towards the exit of the alleyway and watched him run off.

He turned to the woman who was looking at him in awe. He grabbed his crunches and held his hand out for her. She was hesitant but eventually grabbed his hand. "You okay? He didn't hurt you or anything, right?" Lunar looked over her to make sure she was fine, "Y- Yeah, I'm good.. thank you. For helping me." Lunar just nodded and out his crutches on.

"So," the woman started, "What's uhh, with the crutches?" She pointed at them. "Oh, it's so people think I'm weak giving me an advantage." She nodded, "Oh.. that makes sense!" She smiled brightly. Lunar smiled back before asking, "So, why was he following you? If you don't mind me asking." The girl sighed,

"Well, me and my twin brother are new to this town, and I wanted to look around and meet new people and maybe make some friends!" Lunar nodded, "As I was walking around, I guess I stepped somewhere I shouldn't have and accidentally knocked over some stuff! And I guess that alerted him, and he started to chase me, and yeah..." She finished.

Lunar hummed, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. It must have scared you." She nodded, "Would you like to join me and my sister? I'm sure she'd love you!" She smiled brightly, "I'd love that!" "Great! Oh, also, what's your name?" Lunar asked, "Oh, it's Pollex!"

"Nice to meet you, Pollex! I'm Lunar." They shook hands and started to walk to the ice cream place. Earth was outside looking worried before she saw Lunar and his new friend. "Lunar! There you are!" She ran to him, trying not to fall with her heals. She grabbed his face and examined it, "Are you ok? You're not hurt, are you?" Pollex laughed a bit. "I'm fine. I was just helping a friend." He gestured to Pollex. She did a friendly wave of excitement.

Earths eyes basically popped out of her head. "Oh, my, stars.. she looks adorable!~" She immediately took Pollex hands into hers. "You are too! I love your bow!" They squealed in excitement and started to compliment each other. Lunar just sighed and smiled.

But somewhere else, was not so happy...

Eclipse threw a bottle of wine at one of his men, which, luckily, moved out the way. Bloodmoon was watching this all play out while he smoked a cigarette.

"How is he back!? I left him in the snow! Beaten and bleeding! How is he back!?" He slammed his hands on the table. The hinchman shook with fear but tried to hide it. "M- Maybe someone found him..?" He suggested.

"Wrong move.." Bloodmoon said, blowing out some smoke. The hinchman was picked up by his collar by Eclipse. "No shit, genius! There's no way he would have served out there after what I did!" Eclipse dropped him and walked to his desk, and sat down. The hinchman was shaking on the ground.

Eclipse started to chug a bottle of alcohol before putting it down. "Find where he lives and bring him back to me. I want him alive." The hinchman nodded before running off.


This may or may not be spoilers to a story I MIGHT write. But I'd also like to add that I got this idea from a crater on TikTok, now it's nothing like my story AT ALL. It but I did get the idea from them.

- imaginecreative

That's their TikTok, I really like their stories and stuff and you should check then out.

Let me know if you want this to be a story.

- Frankenweenie ☆

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