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Hello.. it's been a while. (Not really)

This is long overdo.

- Against

- Harvest (crazy twin)

- Human au


                     ~Option One~
It's been a few weeks since Crimson's passing. Harvest has refused to talk to anyone or even come out of his room.

It was hard on you, too, of course. Heck.. you were still grieving yourself. But Harvest knew Crimson his whole life.. it was going to take him longer to grieve.

You've tried to talk to him. You just get ignored. You bring him food and leave it outside of his door. It's still there the next day. You even tried going in his room several times. You get yelled at.

It hurt to see him in such a state.. especially knowing you can't help him. You don't know HOW to, and it's frustrating.

So, this time, you're going to be in his room and talk to him. Even if you might get yelled at, you're willing to take that chance.

You lived in a small apartment. Two bedrooms, a bath, a kitchen and laundry room, and of course living room. It was nice. It's not too big, not too small. You never used the second bedroom. You, Harvest, and Crimson all slept in one bed. But you've been sleeping alone for a while..

You knocked on his door. No answer.

You opened it and peeked your head inside. It was dark. The only light coming in was the light in the hallway. There was just random junk in here that couldn't fit in the storage.

There were boxes of old pictures, clothes, and toys for kids. Most of them were from your childhood, and you've been thinking about getting rid of some things.

Crimson and Harvest didn't really have a lot of things when they moved in. They already sold almost all their childhood toys and clothes. They only had one toy each. Crimson had a big fuzzy spider named, "Mis. Fizzy." And Harvest had a teddy bear that he made look scary named, "Cuddles." Both cute names! Both very scary back stories they came up with..

There was also an extra bed in here just in case you had any guests. And right underneath the covers was Harvest. His back was turned to you, and was facing the wall. You walked further in the room and saw a few empty plates.

'At least he ate something..' You thought as you sat on the bed. He didn't react. He's not yelling. That's good. But what broke your heart is seeing him holding Crimsons plush spider.

You didn't know where or how to start the conversation. It's been a hot minute.. So you don't say anything. You lay down beside him on your side and rub your hand up and down his arm.

The room was quiet. Only the sound of your breathing was heard.

You took a breath. "I see you have Fizzy.." You said softly. Nothing. "Has she been taking care of you..?" Nothing.

You let out a somewhat frustrated sigh. "Harvest," You say in a serious tone. "Can you at least look at me? We don't have to talk. Just.. look at me?"

Hearing the frustration and desperation in your voice, he decided to turn around to face you. His eyes were red and puffy. Every time he blinked, it felt like sandpaper. His throat was raw and sore from the crying. He felt like shit, not only because of his brother, but yelling at his partner who's just trying to help even though there grieving too.

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