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- Little against

Who you will meet- Eclipse

It was the next day, and you couldn't help but think about yesterday.. despite Eclipse being so rude for no reason, you also couldn't help but feel bad.

You were in the dining room, and your full attention was on Eclipse. You didn't say anything to him. You just watched as he talked to the Bloodmoon Twins. They seemed somewhat close.

But you could feel the tension between the three. Like there was a wedge between them, that something was keeping them apart. They acted more like friends than brothers. And it hurt to see it.

After breakfast, Eclipse went off somewhere. You decided to see where he would go. But you got distracted by one of the maids dropping something and lost track of him.

After you helped the maid clean up the mess, you looked for him again. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to find him.

You heard a piano play in the music room. You quietly opened the door and stepped inside. And just as you were expecting, he was playing the piano, but it was only one key. He seemed almost bored, "It's rude to stare." He said out of nowhere.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to." You played with your dress a bit.

He stopped playing the one key and looked at you with a bland expression. "Did you need something? Or are you here to just pester me."

You stopped playing with your dress and gave him a slight glare. "I'm here to get to know you, obviously."

He looked you up and down before turning back to the piano and playing that one key again. "Do as you wish." You walked over to him and sat beside him on the bench. As soon as you did that, he started to play more than just the one key.

"You're really good that this!" You looked up at him to see a pound smile on his face.

"I know. I practiced ever since I was, ten? Maybe seven." His smile never left. "It was such a long time ago, I don't remember. But I want to say I was seven at the time. My Dad thought it would be good for me since the twins liked hunting, and Lunar liked to take care of animals, so he thought I should have a hobby as well."

"Do you enjoy playing the piano? I know some parents out there, children in sports, they don't want to participate in." You tried not to sound offensive because KC doesn't seem like the person to do that.

"Oh, no, I like it. I play a bunch of different instruments, actually. Piano is just my favorite." Eclipse finally stopped playing the piano and looked at you. "I also play the violin, bass, and a bit of the harp."

"Oh, wow! That's amazing!" You smiled brightly up at him.

He just held his head up high. "I know."

"Can you.. teach me a little bit of piano?" You ask suddenly, catching him off guard.

"Wait, really? You want me to teach you piano?" He looks at you with a skeptical look. You nod excitedly. Eclipse thought for a moment, looking back at the piano. "I can try. But I'm not a good teacher."

"That's okay! We'll just try our best!" You still had your bright smile on your face. Eclipse nodded and began to teach you the best way he could.

A few minutes turned into 3 hours of learning how to play the piano and joking around. You were actually surprised to see him laugh! He looked kinda cute.. but you still had something in the back of your head that you wanted to ask him. About the story KC told you yesterday.. you wanted to hear his side of the story and why he hates Solar. But you two were having so much fun, you didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Princess?" Eclipse's voice snapped you out of whatever trance you were in, making you look up at him. "Are you okay? You were just kinda staring into space."

Your face flushes out of embarrassment. "Sorry, I was just thinking. I want to ask you a question, actually."

"Well, that is why we're here. Go ahead." He said simply.

You took a breath. "I noticed that you and Solar don't really get along with each other, so I decided to ask KC about it because you didn't seem to like me at the time." You paused, taking a breath. "And we talked! I found out that you two used to be best friends but stopped for some reason. So, my question is, "You want to know what happened between us." Eclipse interrupted you. "Yeah, if you want to! Of course."

"Everyone always wonders why we stopped being friends, so I'm not surprised anymore." His face showed no emotion as he looked at you. "Short story be told, I was tired of always feeling like a disappointment. It felt like he was better at everything, and it got to a point where I felt like..." He paused.


"Like I wasn't good enough to be a part of the family. I wasn't a good enough brother, son..it hurt. And to also be compared to Solar at such a young age, it was like someone stabbed me in the heart. So, I stopped being friends with him after an incident, which im sure you know of." He looked back to the piano without another word, leaving you stunned.

"Is.. is that how you feel?" He didn't answer. He just played the one key he did before. You noticed he probably wasn't going to answer any of the questions you had, and you didn't really know what to do.

You decided to just lay your head on his arm since he doesn't act like the person who likes hugs. "You're not a disappointment, Eclipse. You don't mean less the Solar." He stopped playing that one key and just let it happen. "And your Dad and brothers love you so much, even if you don't see it. I can see that."

The silence was deafening. But you felt his arms slip around your waist before pulling you close and buried his face in your hair. You thought that was the 'okay' to hug him back.

"Thank you.." You could barely hear his voice, but it sounded like he was about to cry. 'Poor thing..' You thought.

You two stayed like that for a while until Eclipse decided he needed to talk to his Dad. He thanked you for helping him and left. You felt proud! And a bit worried.

Eclipse, on the other hand, went to his father's room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" KC said. Eclipse opened the door and stepped inside before closing the door behind him. KC was sitting on a chair, reading a book. He looked up when Eclipse's entered. "Eclipse! What a surprise." He placed the book down. "What can I do for you?"

Eclipse looked at the floor, not being able to look him in the eyes. "Dad, this is serious."

KC then knew it had to be serious. He never calls him Dad unless it's serious. "Alright then, what is it?"

Eclipse hesitated for a moment. "Do you.. wish Solar was your son instead of me?"

KC looked shocked. "What.. no." He stood up and walked closer to Eclipse. "Never. Why- how could you think of such a thing?"

Eclipse tried not to cry. "I was talking to the princess, and she opened my eyes.. I see that I was jealous of Solar for having all your attention." His voice started to crack. "So I distances myself from you and everyone because it didn't seem like you needed me!"

All the emotions his been hiding finally came to show. He tried to blind the tears away, but more just came out. "I felt replaced.."

He suddenly felt KC's hands cup his face to make him look at him. "Eclipse, my son, how could I replace you? How could I replace any of you boys! You and your brothers mean so much to me," KC grabbed a tissue and dried Eclipse's tears. "You all are my greatest treasure and what keeps me on my feet. We might bump heads every once in a while, but I still love you and your brothers. You are my first born child! I could never replace you even if I wanted to." KC suddenly hugged Eclipse.

Eclipse hugged him back and just cried. "You mean so much to me, Eclipse. I don't know what I do without you or your brothers. You all continue to amaz and scare me at the same time." KC pulled away to look at Eclipse. "Please, Eclipse.. if you need someone, talk to me. I'm your Dad and I'd like to help ease your mind of thoughts such as these."

Eclipse nods unable to speak. KC smiled before pulling him into a hug again.


Enjoy this wholesome father and son content!

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