👑The Princess-2👑

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No warnings

Who you'll meet this time: Earth

You wake up to the sound of chirping birds and the sun light hitting you dead in the face. You move the covers to hide from the light, but that didn't work, so you decided to get up. Pulling off the covers and stepping out of bed and opening the balcony window.

You get dressed and ready for the day. You had a very busy schedule since you had to get to know all the princes. You sigh, and as if right on que, Megan comes in with your breakfast. "Good morning, your majesty! Did you sleep well?" She said as she put your food on the table.

"I slept good, you?" You looked up at her.

"I slept pretty decent!" She stared, pouring you a drink. "One of the best sleeps I think I had in a while."

"That's good." You said and began to eat.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" You look up at her again as she puts down the tea pot. "Lady Earth would like to see you in the garden this afternoon for tea."

You almost choke on your food. "Your majesty!" Megan started to pat on your back lightly. "Are you alright?" She said in a worried tone.

"Y- Yes, I'm alright. Just.. surprised that she wants to see me is all." You wipe your mouth with your napkin.

"Why wouldn't she want to see you? Depending on if you decide to marry one of her brothers, she would be your sister in law." She does have a point. It's kinda scary to think about.

She left you to your food and thoughts.

You get done with your food and decide to check up on everyone. You exit your room and go down the stairs, almost bumping into the bloodmoon twins and K.C. when turning the corner. "Your majesty, good morning!" K.C. said with a smile

"Ah, ladybug. Couldn't get enough of us, I see." Harvest said.

Crimson stepped closer, smiling. "You look beautiful in that outfit. But red red would suit you better."

Your face got hot. "O- Oh, why thank you! I'll keep that in mind."

They were about to say something, but they both got hit in the back of the head by K.C., "I'm sorry, but we must go." He said before walking away with the twins.

"Oh, okay. Bye!" You did a slight wave. 'That was weird..' You thought before going to the garden. You go into the maze of roses to a white table and two white chairs. And Earth sat on one of them. She wore a light pink dress with red roses. Her hair was in a pony tail with a pink bow holding it up, two big golden hoop earrings, and her white gloves sat on the table. 

She had a bird perched on the finger as it ate seeds off the other hand. "You can sit down, dear." She said randomly.

She must have heard you or something, "Right! Sorry!" You sat down in one of the chairs. The bird flew away from the sudden movement. "Sorry about the bird.."

Earth just smiled. "It's quite alright, dear. They'll come back eventually." She closed her eyes as she took a sip of her tea. You just noticed her makeup, one eye lid was blue and the other was green, her lipstick was blue too. She somehow pulled it off. She put her tea cup down, "Do you want a pastry?"

You didn't even notice the pastry tower. It was a small tower of macaroons with some cookies around it. You decide to try one. You pick the one on the very top of the tower and take a bite. It was really good! "Wow! This is good! Did you make them?" You  ask.

"Mhm, Sun also helped." She also took one and ate it. "He did good." You nod in agreement. "Anyway, you're probably wondering why you're here, right?" You were on your third macaroon, so you just nodded again because your mouth was full.

Earth just smiled. "Well, it's actually because I wanted to talk about the marriage." You stop eating for a minute. "Don't worry, I'm not going to bribe you or something." She looks down at her tea cup. "I just ask you not to hurt my brothers if you decide to marry one of them. Especially, Sun.. he just got out of a relationship." Her smile dropped.

You feel a little down now. "Do you know what happened..?" You ask.

"The girl he was dating wasn't.. the best to him. He was so in love that he didn't see the signs. He has such a big heart that sometimes he gives too much and.. it hurts to see him in so much pain." She looks back up at you and takes your hands into hers. "I will support your decision on who you decide to marry, but please love them for who they are. Not even just my family! But also K.C.'s sons. I know they can be a bit much, but they are so sweet when you get to know them."

That.. was a lot to take in. "Wow, that's a lot.. but I promise not to hurt any of them." You give her hands a little squeeze.

"Thank you.." She let's go of your hands and sits back up. "Now, how we lighten up the mood? We should get to know each other!" Her bright smile returns.

You smile back. "I'd like that."

And with that, you two got to know each other. You found out that she's actually married to someone named Monty, and they have been together for two years now. She told you things you didn't know you could do at a wedding.

You had fun!

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