√baby dragon Jungkook's little adventure

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Jungkook has no idea how he got here. He really doesn't. One moment ago he was flying over the hills and mountain's. Enjoying the lovely weather. He doesn't get to go out much. Well not when your family is as over protective as Jungkook's. Don't get him wrong he loves them dearly but they can be over bearing sometimes.


Jungkook a dragon son of Jeon misoo and Jeon seojin. Youngest of 5 brothers. As a treat from his mum from passing his exam with flying colours. He was allowed to go out on his own. When he left his house he had a bucket list of things he wants to do. He loves flying just the feeling of the air guiding his the way he just glides away. It all felt lovely.

He had done all kinds on things he went berry picking. He talked to the fairies at the enchanted river. He played crystal ball with other dragons. Climbed the mountain's and got himself a pair of pretty tiger lily's.

It was all great but it was getting dark and he had to go home. Jungkook wasn't the type to get scared easily but he couldn't see very well . After the last incident when he dived head first in to a giant black rock. He vowed to be more careful.

He was flying back home when a black building caught his attention.

"Woah,is that a castle" he dived a little closer to the building.

And indeed it was a big castle with thousands of guards surrounding it. It was black and silver. Four towers on each side. A big wooden door in the middle.

Jungkook would have flown over it if it wasn't for something that caught is eyes.


A gentle sparkle had won him over as he peaked though the window

And saw....

"Look at all those jewels, rubies, pearls, diamonds, rings and necklaces,I must have them not all but atleast some."

He decided right there an then. You can't blam him he's a dragon after all. They get distracted by these kinds of things.

But he wasn't going to steal them that's a big no no. His mother would be disappointed he he did that.

Instead,he looked around the castle. He got on top of the roof and there were many clothes left to dry he took a long coat and put it on. It was to hid in wings and tail. So may be the guards would think of him as a human. And how threatening can a silly little human be.


Well apparently alot.

Because the minute he stood in front on the guards. They had captured him.

So now we finally are here. As jungkook is tied on the floor of a large throne room

A tall man with sharp grey eyes, wearing all the finest clothes with a crown on his head and jewels adoring his was basically glaring at him.

"Your majesty," jungkook called out to the king.

"I think you have gotten me wrong"

"And why is that young dragon"said the king

Jungkook widened his eyes so they all knew he was a dragon and didn't bother to tell him.

"I... Haven't come here to cause harm,I only wish to ask you a small favour"

"And what's that?"

"Jewels I saw them though the window, I think th-ere lovely and I would w-ant them" jungkook said a pout on his lips

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