♡ Birthday ⁠♡

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Jimin opened his eyes as he felt the sun on his face.He got up. He looked at the Time. It was 8:am way to early on a weekend. He looked around the room. Trying to unblur his eyes . He turned around when he felt a body shifting. It was Yoongi his husband.
He smiled when he noticed how tightly yoongi was holding him. As if he would fly away if he let go

Jimin layed back and started examining yoongi's face. Yoongi was so handsome and beautiful. He softly stroked his hair.

After a while he decided to get it and go take a shower but Yoongi held on him tighter.

' don't go jimin'

"I'm just going to take a shower love"

"But you can't it's your birthday, I'm going to treat you like a king"

Jimin swears he saw yoongi pout when he said that

Oh and speaking on his birthday. It's quite embarrassing but he had forgotten

It made his smile that yoongi remember especially because yoongi isn't the best fan of birthdays

'you wait here I'm going to bring your suprise "

'oh "

Yoongi said and got of his bed

"This is the earliest he's ever woken up"


Jimin waited about 30 minutes

When yoongi came back. He had a tray in his hands. He put it near Jimin's side of the bed. It had all of Jimin's favourite foods.

Fluffy pancakes with whipped cream and strawberrys. A warm coffee on the side. A bowl of oatmeal. One of jimin's favourite

"Happy birthday jimin"

"Thank you yoonie"

"This looks so delicious, thank you for making it"

"It's okay, it's my pleasure"

He said a took a spoon and moved the spoon with oatmeal Infront of jimin mouth

Jimin eye smiled a ate the food

"Okay now my turn to feed you "

"No but-"

"No buts come on yoonie"

Yoongi sighed and opened his mouth eating everything jimin puts Infront of his mouth


Yoon:can I carry you to the bathroom


Yoon: what I want to carry you like you do

JM:yoonie baby I think we both know your not that strong

Yoon: WHAT how dare you

Yoongi glared at jimin and turned away

JM smiled and turned yoongi around

JM:I'm just kidding come on you can't get made at me it's my birthday


Yoonmin got ready with eachother. Standing Infront of the mirror as they brush there teeth. They even picked each others clothes

They both came to the supermarket to buy things for jimin's birthday. That's just how they like to do it. They just want to spend the day with eachother.
Nothing big or fancy just them

To be continued


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Bora 💜

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