*⁠'Now you've left me broken ✧

55 7 13

Taekook au:

5 year old jk,7 year old Tae

A cute boy was sleeping comfortably. He was happy because today is Saturday and there is no school. Suddenly we heard the door creak open he knew who it is.

He tried to hide his smile as he felt a light weight in himself and soft whispers.

??:Hyung wake up

Tae:no bunny I want to sleep some more

Jk:nooo you have to play with me

He said with a pout shaking little Tae's body

Tae: I'll play with you later bun

Jk:no I have something to show you

Tae: what's that?

Jk: it's a suprise you have to come down

Tae:are you trying to trick me bun

Jungkook giggled

Tae:I'm older than you I'm more smarter

Jk:no your not you big meanie

Jk huffed as he got if Tae and ran out the room

Tae:wait nooo

You might be wondering who they are well this is Kim Taehyung and Jeon jungkook. There best friends and they live right next to eachother.no literally there House's are right Infront of each other. That's how jk got into Tae's room so early.

Taehyung ran after jk . When jk saw him he ran faster and they started playing. Loud giggles were all over the house. Tae's mother seojin smiled as she put the kimchi pancake on the table.

Seojin: come boys let's have breakfast

Taekook: COMING

"So Taehyung"

Said Tae's father minjay

Tae:yes dad

Min:so what do you think of the new school

Jk:huh what new school

Jk said being confused because both Tae and jk go to the same school

Min:Tae did you not tell him

Tae:I was going to but

Jk:NOOO you can't change schools we have to stay together

Seojin:but bun

Jk:noo I will change schools too


Jk:so I can be with you

Seojin: honey it's for a while


jk said as he ran over to Tae's side and hugged him ofc Tae hugged him back.

Tae:mom if Kookie doesn't want me to leave than I won't

SEO:but baby-

Tae:I'm sorry to interrupt mom but no please

They both showed Tae's parent's the infamous puppy eyes

Min: AHH fine

Both taekook yelled excited and started jumping

14 year old jk,16 year old Tae

Taehyung peaked his head up when he heard laughter coming from the group of kids in the park. He stood up to see what was going on. When he got there he saw jungkook in the middle and  Two other kids.they had his school bag in there hands and were throwing it to each other. While jk was trying to get all the other kids were laughing instead of helping. It had Taehyung's blood boiling.

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