Chapter Three

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Ivan's POV

A week had gone by since the incident happened and by then the entire school knew. Nate's classmates were more confused if anything, swearing they didn't know he was using. Ivan had no room to talk as he didn't know the man until the formal.

Mason leaned against the wall across from Ivan and sighed. "It's all my fault. I should have tried to call him. I should have gone and checked in on him when you told us. I should have done something." Tears welled in his eyes as he took a deep breath in. "Nate and I didn't get along but he was a great dude."

"Listen," Ivan said with a forced smile. "It wasn't your fault. It was more mine than anyone else." He reached his hands out, placing them on Mason's upper arms and rubbed them. "Don't blame yourself. No one could have possibly known any of this would happen. You and Vixen, both of you shouldn't be kicking yourselves."

"It's easier said then done. I should have done more. That girls screams... I keep thinking about it, Ivan. It haunts my dreams at night." Mason couldn't even look at him.

"Dolayla must be traumatised after seeing that. I really hope she isn't alone and has someone to talk to. You have me. Vixen has her friends. It's all just a sad event," he said. He pulled Mason to him and gave him a hug, rubbing his back. "It'll be okay Mas."

Mason shook his head in Ivans chest. "I need to be strong."

"Even the strongest warriors break down. It's okay. No one would blame you if you needed to take some time off school like Vixen, you know?" Ivan rubbed his friends back some more. He didn't know what to do when someone was upset or crying so he just tried his best to comfort his friend.

"No!" Mason pushed away a little. "I need to be here... at school. I can't function at home."

Ivan nodded. "Okay. That's okay. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable." He ran his hand over Masons hair, fixing it and making sure his hair was as perfect as it was this morning. "Now, what do you say, we hang out and have fun? Schools over, why not?"

Mason nodded. "Let's go."

Dark clouds invaded the skies, a rumble heard in the distance. Many stores were lined on either side of the street as far as their eye could see, some colourful and others were dull, grey buildings. They reached a baby blue shop named Meredith's Cafe, a large window with designs of a coffee cup took up half the space, a wooden and glass door rested next to it, a sign hung saying 'open'. They entered the store and the strong scent of the grinded coffee beans hit them almost immediately.

"I haven't had any coffee yet so this will be an amazing pick me up," Mason said as he looked around the medium sized cafe.

Only a few tables were occupied, leaving many empty. A few patrons stood by the counter, awaiting their orders, some men in suits. There were a few other students, some sitting at a table by the window, focusing on their laptops, workbooks open. The floor was wood and had Ivan wondering how they avoided making it scratch.

"I've had five already. One more can't hurt," he said, running his fingers through his hair. "Order whatever you want, I'm paying this time."

"I can't let you do that," Mason argued, facing him. "Just... Let me pay."

Ivan raised an eyebrow. There was no way in hell he was going to let Mason pay. "You paid last time and promised I would pay this time. We aren't arguing about this. I said what I said now quick. Let's order. The usual?"

Mason nodded and didn't say anything further. They walked over to the desk where a woman with her black hair pulled back into a ponytail stood with a big smile on her face.

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