Chapter Five

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Ivan's POV:

Ivan had parked his bike aside and got off. He hadn't gone home but instead went to his and Mason's favourite little hideout. The cool wind had blown, giving relief from the hot day it had been. The sky lit up in orange hues as the sun set across the horizon. The sound of the waterfall calmed Ivan from the demons that haunted his mind. He knew he should probably speak to someone, but he couldn't. His mind kept wondering to earlier, the incident between himself and Mason. He never imagined anything like that could ever happen.

Himself and Mason often sat at this waterfall just to talk or hang out. They often swam too but lately they hadn't had time for that unfortunately. He was hoping his friend was okay after he had to leave so quick earlier.

"So that's where you are!" Mason said behind him, making Ivan almost jump out of his skin. "I went to your house, and you weren't there, mate."

"Oh, yeah. I needed some fresh air in my lungs," Ivan said with a half smile. "How did it go?"

Mason paused and sat on the cold rock beside him. "Not as expected if I'm honest. We assumed he... you know." Mason paused again. "Turns out, they think something was in the drink he had. Paraquat or something. It was weird. The detective asked who bought the drinks in and stuff."

Ivan pulled his eyebrows together. "Isn't that weed killer? Why would someone put that in a drink?"

"I asked the same question," Mason said, staring at the water in front of them. "We had to tell him that Jackson had bought the drinks in for the formal."

"I doubt Jackson would purposely put this kind of chemical in a drink. Jackson would not be capable of murder. There is no way," Ivan said, resting a hand on Mason's shoulder.

They both knew Jackson and he could never. They had been friends for about four years, so they knew each other inside out or so they thought. Mason sighed and Ivan had no idea what to say.

"Sometimes life is unfair," Mason said as he stared off in the distance.

Ivan nodded. "Yes. Yes, it is. Do you think the police would want to question Jackson?" His moved his hand down to his friends back and started to rub in small circles.

"Yes. They're probably already there," Mason answered as he dropped his head onto Ivan's shoulder. "They already questioned you last week!"

"And I have been cleared, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. Relax a little. Stress isn't good for you," he said, trying to be as soothing as he could while he rubbed his friends back.

"It gets tiring being the strong one all the time. My sister's a mess and I'm here trying to keep everyone together. I'm so sick and tired of everything," Mason admitted with a sigh.

Ivan leaned his head over head Mason's. "You don't need to pretend with me."

"You know," Mason started before he paused briefly. "You are the sunshine, and I am like the midnight rain. You're so positive and I'm just... so gloomy often."

"No, you aren't. I love you just as you are," Ivan admitted as he ran his fingers through his friend's hair.

Mason and Ivan had sat for a while to admire the view before they decided to go to Jackson's house. They had secretly hoped that he would be home. Their friend had been living on his own for just over six months now. It was difficult for him at first, but he adjusted. Jackson's parents both had died after they were involved in an accident where a truck driver had hit them side on which made their car roll across the road and hit a tree. It took emergency works well over an hour to cut the car open and take his parents out. Until then it was too late. Their injuries were too extensive, and they couldn't be saved. Ivan had stayed with Jackson for a few weeks to ensure he was okay and had everything he needed. He had felt bad and couldn't imagine how upsetting it would be to have both parents killed in one hit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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