Chapter Fourteen

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I am not myself anymore.

I swear it's completely Eli's fault and possibly the A tattoo at the back of my neck. I've been poisoned with some strange, insatiable (yeah, I know), desire to study. Let's just say Eli and I never finished watching that documentary last night. That's the reason why I've been so giddy, like, the whole day.

Eli told me where I could buy other documentaries online so I used Mom's credit card to buy them all and I watched a lot this morning on my laptop. And guess what? I'm actually learning. I finally feel like I could pass my finals at the end of the month.

"1838!" I shout at my laptop and click the option on screen.

It feels great to hear the sound of the ding, which means I'm correct. Again, the work of Eli. He told me about this game that he and his (I won't say lame) friends made. It's like a game show and there are two teams that answer questions from all the subjects. It's a Peer Helpers project to help students study. It's actually really nice.

Before he left Eli said, "Maybe you can be on the show sometime."

And I said, "Yeah. Maybe."

But I was looking at his lips.

We didn't kiss then. Instead, Eli reached and pinched the back of my neck, like I was a kitten, and left. It was depressing to see him go. And then it was depressing that it was depressing. If you know what I mean.

So far, I've managed to wear my hair down without any questions from my parents but Dad likes to pinch the back of my neck too, sometimes, so I have to be on my guard.


For the first time in basically forever, I'm kind of stoked to go to school.

I want a random pop quiz and I want to be called on in class and I want Ms Ford to look for a reason to give me detention and not have any.

But, to be honest, I really just want to see Imogen's face when I walk down the hall. I WANT her to look at me like I'm dirt because it 'll just make me feel better about kissing Eli. I'll smile at her and she won't have a clue why.

I meet up with Chase as soon as I park in the parking lot. He's with Skylar, which sucks because I feel like I haven't seen him since forever and I want him to put his hand around my shoulder like he used to, or stroke my hair, without his stupid girlfriend thinking there's something more than friendship between us.

"Hey Rori." Chase says when he sees me.

Skylar removes her finger from Chase's ear and smiles at me. She's freaky, Chase told me once, but I don't think he meant like that.

"Chase." I say, "Skylar." I try not to say her name meanly. My voice actually sounds pretty sweet. I guess it's the ink. Or maybe the weird feeling inside me since Saturday."Where did you guys come from?"

"The hall." Chase says.

"I was in the bathroom." Skylar says at the same time.

It's hilarious to see Chase look embarrassed. He has the same look on his face that he got when I used to tease him about his rash when we were kids. I'd tell you where it was, but he probably doesn't want you to know.

We start walking towards the school together, but then I walk in front of them because I don't want to seem like a third wheel. I look everywhere for Imogen (it won't be a habit), and then I see her AND Eli together walking in the opposite direction.

Something inside me boils. It's weird, but I feel like Eli is cheating on ME with IMOGEN. It's sick, my brain. They're not even holding hands or anything, but as soon as Imogen's brown eyes land on me, she grabs Eli's face and kisses him.

I see him resist. I see him pull back. His eyes are saying, Sorry Rori. Don't look! Close your eyes! But it doesn't mean shit.

I am me again, maybe worse. My heart is ice and I've got bad blood in my veins.

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