Chapter Ten

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I don't know why I go to the library after school. I could have easily ditched Eli and had a free afternoon. I mean, he made it very simple for me by doing it away from my house. It was hard to close your front door when a determined boy had his foot wedged in the space.

So I decided I was attracted to him but it was only an intellectual attraction. He had the intelligence that I wanted and that lured me in. I was like a zombie, going after his brains. 

I find Eli sitting a small table near the front desk, where the two librarians were. The library is NOT my place, but I've heard that the two of them do the most talking and students constantly have to tell them to lower their voices.

I sit next to Eli and he immediately starts talking about the Civil War. It'sfunny, but I was hoping he'd ask how I was or something. But I told him to cut the formalities and that was what he was doing.

Eli's words go in one ear and out the other. It isn't completely my fault that I'm not concentrating. A lot of different things were distracting me:

a) The librarians wouldn't stop talking about yoga or whatever

b) Eli's legs are so long and the table is so small, our legs keep getting all tangled up

c)And then there's Kai and his promise of weed and I kept imagining what it'd be like. 

I take Eli's inky black pen and start drawing marijuana plants on my arm.

"What did I just say?" Eli asks, nudging my leg with his.

"Uh." I say, not looking up from my drawing."What did you just say?"

Eli shakes his head. "Yeah, maybe the library isn't conducive for work." he says as he slams his history book shut. "Conducive means making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. It's an adjective."

I nod my head. It was nice that he was telling me the meaning of the words I didn't know. It actually felt like he was helping me and not trying to drill stuff into my head that I was bound to forget.

I continue drawing on my arm with his pen but he snatches it from me.

"Give it back! " I say, but he ignores me.

"I'm starting to think no where is. Conducive, I mean.You don't listen to anything I say."

"I'm listening now."

Eli gives me a look that says too late. He pushes the chair away from the table and gets up. I follow him as he walks through the packed shelves.

"Even I know you could have just put it in the bin at the front desk." I say, when we get to a shelf right at the back.

"I have OCD." Eli says calmly,"I need to put things back where I found them. Like at the supermarket, if I change my mind about buying something I have to put back on the exact shelf I got it."

"You freak." I say, but I promise myself that I would take him to the supermarket one day so I can see it happen. The shelves at the back are so tall, Eli has to get on his tip toes to but the book back. And he can barely reach. He uses his finger tips to guide the book in and he grunts.

I raise my eyebrows."That sounded like you were having sex."

"What? This?" Eli grins at me and grunts again. His voice is so deep in sends shivers down my spine. Then I moan exaggeratedly just for fun, and he groans and the next thing I know, we're making sex noises. It's HILARIOUS. 

The librarians stop talking about yoga."That sounds like intercourse." I hear one of them say.

"First they want to do it in the indoor pool and now the library." the other one says, "We've got to tell Mr Terv."

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