Chapter Sixteen

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Skylar is sick today, (Hooray!) so I finally have Chase all to myself. It's now that I'm with him that I realize how much I miss my best friend in the whole wide world.

Chase is convinced there's something different about me. He finally decides it's my hair, that I'm wearing it down more often. He takes a rubber band off his arm and tries to put it into a ponytail and that's when he notices my tattoo.

"Rori." Chase says, "What the hell is that?"

"What does it look like?" I say, trying to push his hand away but he doesn't let go of my hair.

"You got a tattoo?" he says, "When? I thought your middle name was Fatima. Why an 'A'?"

I nearly smack Chase for saying my middle name out loud. He pinky sweared in second grade that he wouldn't mention it or tell a soul, even if death did us part.

I look him right in his brown eyes. I frown. "You would know, Phil, if you'd been there for me like a good best friend." I snap, "I could easily blame this on you."

"What?" Chase is frowning now too, "If you'd asked..."

"Bullshit!" I shout and a couple of girls by the water fountain stare at us. "Bull SHIT. You'd only come up with an excuse. Skylar this or Skylar that." I put on my best Chase voice, "Skylar is such a hot babe, she's so freaky."

Chase laughs and tugs my hair. "I don't sound like that." he says and then his voice gets soft and serious."Rori Villan. This is my profession of undeniable love for you. I love you. You're my best friend and I love you more than I'll ever love Skylar. Ever. So I'm sorry if I haven't been there for you like I should."

I feel warm inside. "Aw, Chasey baby." I say, even though I know he hates when I call him that, "I looooove youuu tooo."

Chase puts his arm around me and pulls me towards him and I put my head on his chest. This is why Chase is my favorite person in the world. He knows me best and loves me anyway. We sit like that for a while until Chase says, "Do you want to do something bad?"

I tilt my head up to look at him. Chase is gorgeous, honestly. He has amazing curly hair and nice teeth and smooth brown skin.

"Something fun?" I say, sitting up.

"Yeah. That's what I said." Chase says, "something bad." Then he grins.


This is why Chase is my favorite person in the whole wide world.


I think the lunch lady has a crush on Chase. I tell him so and he says, "Don't they all." and he winks. I roll my eyes. Anyway, he managed to sweet talk the lunch lady into giving us a couple packets of vanilla pudding and a box of food coloring. Then we steal a bucket from the janitor's closet and then go to the very top of the school with our bags hitting against our backs as we run.

The roof is flat and concrete and moss is growing in random places since it's always moist from the rain. It's very windy up here and it's funny how both my hair AND Chase's is getting blown in the wind. Chase uses the rubber band on his hand to put my hair up and then pulls a beanie from his bag and pulls it low over his head. He looks cute with some curly strands sticking out.

We mix the pudding until it's nice and thick and then we argue about what color food coloring to add. I want red because it'll look like thick blood, but Chase thinks green would look like something rotten. I solve the problem by adding both and the pudding turns brown.

"OK." Chase says, looking pleased, "I dare you to dump this on the next person who walks out of the building.

"Well I double dare you to do it with me." I say, wishing, just a little, that Skylar was at school so Chase could dump it on her. Or just plain dump her, I don't care.

While we wait, I look at Chase. He probably thinks we're having a staring contest but I'm actually just thinking. He looks so happy, I change my mind about Skylar. I decide I'd try to be nice to her just for my Chase.

"Hey Chase." I say suddenly, "Will you quit smoking with me?" It's not like we're addicted already. We could stop now if we want. Chase looks at me carefully. 

"Sure. Actually, Skylar won't kiss me when I smell like smoke." He looks sheepish for a second, "But because you asked, I'll make it official." I lean over and kiss Chase's cheek.

We look down, over the railing again. I hope it's not too long a wait since school is over already. We hear the familiar sound of the school doors creaking open. Chase nods at me and gives me a look that says Get ready. I nod back. We lift the bucket together and pour it all over the people below. I hear a shriek and a shout. I can't stop laughing. When we finally peep down again I see Eli drenched in the goo.

Uh oh.

But then I see Imogen throwing a tantrum because most of the pudding landed on her. I laugh so hard I can't breathe.

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