그냥 즐겨! -57

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Just Enjoy!

It has been 2 months since the accident with Jimin's parents and the family is living a happy life.

"Daddy!" Hoseok exclaims.

"I know! I know!" says Jimin, as he puts his hat on.

"We are going to get late!" says Namjoon.

"Sh!" says Jimin, panicking, putting on his mask.

They leave and get into the car, Jimin starts the car and drives away from their apartment.

"I don't know how your appa had to deal with all you little 5 while I was in the U.S." sighs Jimin.

10 minutes later and there they are at the elementary.

"Remember to eat all your food, you guys want to be big and strong like daddy, no?" says Jimin, watching as 4 of his sons get out of the car.

"No, like appa."

"Taehyung!" Jimin pouts.

"Daddy!" Taehyung pouts.

"Ok! Go go!" says Jimin, watching as 4 of his sons enter the school grounds.

Jimin looks at the rear view mirror, looking back at the 2 year old boy, sitting on his car seat, watching as his 4 older brothers walk into the school grounds.

"So. . . Baby?" asks Jimin, "What does my little baby want to do with Daddy? Hum?"

Jungkook looks at Jimin and giggles. "Wash cartoons!"

Jimin furrows his eyebrows, acting as if he doesn't actually understand what his youngest meant. He starts the car and drives away as he asks, "You are going to wash cartoons?" he softly chuckles.

"Yesh!" Jungkook exclaims, "Today not. . . Pre. . . Prescool!"

"Preschool." Jimin corrects, as he sees his giggly baby through the rear view mirror then back at the street.

"Yesh! Preschool!" giggles Jungkook, kicking his little feet.

They get home and they both sit down on the couch and 'wash' cartoons.

Jungkook makes his way to Jimin's lap and cuddles up. Resting his back on Jimin's chest, closing his eyes, slowly falling asleep. Jimin wrapped his arm around his baby as he slept, turning off the TV.

Jimin fell asleep too, holding him closely.

"What do you mean?"

"We don't have any that size, sir."

"Well, you gotta have that size. I am planning to ask in 2 weeks."

"Can't you ask. . . Like in a month or so? Sir, we don't have the exact size you want. Maybe you got the wrong size?"

"Well, it is the right size, and no, I won't ask in a month. it has to be now."

"Is it something impor-"

"Why do you think I need it in 2 weeks?"

"Ok, I will try to order that exact size and make it as fast as I can."

"Daddy! Daddy!" the wide awake 2 year old exclaims, slightly shaking his daddy from his stomach.

Jimin slowly wakes up and looks at Jungkook. "Hm? What is it?"

"Daddy. . . I think appa. . ." Jungkook points at the closed front door.

"Appa is here?" asks Jimin, as Jungkook gets off his lap so his daddy could stand up.

Jimin stands up. Jungkook watches as Jimin walks to the front door and opens it.

"Chim~" Yoongi throws his arms over Jimin's neck and hugs him.

"Oh, hello, Suga~" says Jimin, hugging him back.

"Appa!" Jungkook jumps off the couch and hugs Yoongi tightly.

Yoongi crouches down on the floor and hugs his little baby. "Baby, you look so cute today."

"Thank you, appa~" Jungkook giggles.

"How was work?" asks Jimin, taking Yoongi's jacket off.

"It was all good. How did it go taking the boys to their school?" asks Yoongi, taking off his tie.

"It was all good. We would have gotten there late if maybe Taehyung wasn't so pouty this morning." Jimin chuckles.

"Tae Tae!" Jungkook giggles, remembering how sassy his older brother was this morning getting awoken by Namjoon.

The boyfriends chuckle.

"Hey, did you go anywhere else after work?" Jimin suddenly asks, looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What? No. I came straight home?"

"Hm. . . Ok. . ." says Jimin, looking at him then picking Jungkook up in his arms.

"Why did you. . . Suddenly ask?" asks Yoongi, looking at his boyfriend then at their youngest son.

"No reason. . . I just asked. . ." says Jimin, gently rocking Jungkook.

Yoongi looks at Jimin, he knows there is a reason behind why he asked. "Why are you lying to me?"

Jimin looks at him. "You come home at 1:20, not 1: 25."

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows and chuckles. Kissing his boyfriend on his lips, Jungkook looks away, disgusted. "Chimmy, seriously? It was only 5 minutes?"

"I know. . ." Jimin looks down at the floor then back at him.

"You don't have to worry, ok? I just went somewhere because I have a surprise!" says Yoongi, smiling widely.

"Surprise?" asks Jungkook, his ears perking up as he looks at his appa.

"Yes! A big surprise!" says Yoongi, taking their youngest son out of Jimin's arms.

"Candy?" asks Jungkook, giggling.

"What? Candy, no!" Yoongi laughs.

Jimin laughs too. "Aw, my baby~ I will give you a piece of candy when your brothers come home, after dinner, ok?"

Jungkook nods with a wide smile.

● ● ●

Sorry for being out so long
Just found my phone in the car right now, it is burning

I hope you have a good day, afternoon, or night

I love you 😘❤️

Te amo 😘❤️

사랑해요 😘❤️

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