Trailer #3 - The Power of Friendship

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Three best friends...

The pups happily watch their owner, Ryder, talking and laughing with Katie and Carlos.

With strong and unbreakable bonds...

[Skye] It's so nice watching them like that...

[Chase] I'm sure they will always be that way

[Rocky] Yup, just like us

Chase smiles hearing what Rocky just said.

But what if friendship is put to the test...

[Valentina] ...stay away from my son and my family.

[Carlos] What's wrong with Ryder?

[Katie] I don't know... He wouldn't tell me either

Will they let family chaos ruin your friendship?

[Katie] Carlos, what is up with you? Just tell us!

[Carlos] This... This is all my fault

Or will they stay strong together as friends?

[Katie] We will always stay together no matter what...

And are they willing to sacrifice anything...

Katie walks on top of a log connecting a river, but the log breaks

[Katie] Ah!

[Ryder and Carlos] KATIE!

...for each other?

[Ryder] Nothing and nobody can separate us

[Carlos] That's for sure!

[Ryder, Carlos, and Katie at once] Group hug!

The three friends all did a group hug, with big smiles on their faces.

Join Ryder, Katie, and Carlos on their friendship journey in...



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