Chapter 13

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Chase and Rocky were now driving through the streets in Dogfynn City. They questioned each other about where they should start searching.

"So where do we start?" Rocky asked.

"Hmm... Someplace with some legal documents, I guess," Chase answered.

"Maybe we should try the city hall. They may have something there that we're looking for," Rocky thought.

"Alright! Let's start there then."

After driving around the city, they finally spotted the city hall and parked their vehicles in front of it. They entered inside and saw a line that wasn't so long. They lined up and waited for their turn as the line began to move. Finally, it was their turn. The woman in front of them was surprised to find two dogs on the line.

"You're dogs?"

"Yup! Talking dogs to be more specific," Rocky added, with a smile. Chase let out a little grin as well.

The woman dropped her jaw when she heard Rocky start to talk.

"Okay? Uh, how may I help you?"

"Uh, is there a way we can access anyone's public records?" Chase asked.

"Uhm, what kind of public records would you like to see?"

Chase and Rocky exchanged glances at each other. They had no idea what kind of documents they were really looking for.

"Uhm... Any public records about Christopher Bennett or anyone else related to him," Rocky answered.

"Okay... Hold on. I'll go look into that."

The woman stepped away from her desk for a while. Chase and Rocky began to think if they were really on the right track.

"I hope we're doing something right," Rocky said, "I don't even know what documents will help us find our answers."

"Me either... But I'm sure we'll get something when we get to see those documents," Chase replied.

Finally, the woman returned to her desk, holding an envelope.

"I'm sorry, but some of our documents have gone missing recently. And some of them are the records you're looking for."

"Missing?" Chase said, surprisingly, "How?"

"I don't know, but it happened this morning... But here are some files I found that might help you," the woman answered, "Also, you can find some of these files online too."

"Okay, and thanks!" Rocky nodded.

Chase and Rocky finally got out of the city hall with tons of questions deep inside of them.

"Missing? How could files suddenly go missing in city hall?" Chase asked.

"Maybe they somehow got displaced?" Rocky added.

"By the sound of it, I don't think so," Chase frowned, "But I guess we can make that the least of our problems for now."

Suddenly, Chase spotted two men staring at them from afar. To him, the way the men looked at them seemed scary.

"Uhm, Rocky, see those two men over there?" Chase pointed, "The way they look at us scares me."

Rocky glances at the two men Chase pointed at. He turns back at Chase.

"Nah, maybe they just think we're weird because we're dogs that drive vehicles," Rocky said.

Chase began to glare at him. Rocky looks back at the men and becomes frightened.

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