Chapter 1...Home

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No ones POV
Y/n was driving back to her house after a LONG and lonely camping trip. She lived alone so she didn't really care about going home. When she got back to her house she took all of her camping equipment down to her basement and stored it in a huge storage room. She walked back up to her car to grab her backpack and took it inside. She noticed her backpack was moving ON ITS OWN!
Y/N became really confused as she slowly and carefully opened the backpack

I opened my camping backpack and a little creature or uh...thing came out of it! I screamed in panic until I realized how ADORABLE this little guy was. "Aww hi there little guy!" I said, the little man looked at me and said "Don't call me that..." I asked what his name was and he ignored me. I was getting kinda hungry and asked the little person if they wanted any food.

The little person slowly nodded so I went to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal because I didn't feel like cooking anything. The little person watched me pour the cereal and milk into a bowl. After that I walked over to the table the little person was standing on and put the bowl of cereal in front of him. "Thank you" he said in a kinda glitchy voice.

I ate my cereal beside him and asked him if he had anywhere to go. He responded with "no" so I said he could stay here for now! I am pretty lonely so it would be nice having some company. When we finished eating the little person said his name is Ben drowned. I wondered why that name sounded familiar but I decided to ignore it. "My name is Y/N" I said back to him. I smiled and asked another question "why do you look like Peter Pan?"

Ben drowned's POV
I couldn't believe the question this WOMAN asked me like I got called "ripoff link" or "link on his period" but PETER PAN?! I ignored the question and said I'm bored do you have any video games? Y/N said "yes I have a couple which one do you want to play?" As she showed me her games. After trying to decide what to play for like 15 YEARS (minutes) we ended up playing Mario cart. She was actually really good at the game but I still beat her. She ended up in 2nd place. It started getting late at night and she told me "we should sleep it's...1 am!

She said I could sleep in her spare bedroom but I ended up sleeping on the couch because I wanted to. She said goodnight and walked to her room. I fell asleep after a little while at 1:17 am.

I said goodnight to Ben and walked to my room. I fell asleep pretty quickly because I didn't sleep a lot when I went camping because I thought I would get murdered in my sleep so I was very tired.

I wake up at 9:52 am and get up. I changed into a F/C hoodie (or shirt whatever you prefer). I finished doing what I do in the morning and go to my kitchen to make breakfast. I see Ben still sleeping so I just make whatever I think he would like to eat.

While I was making the food I heard some knocking on the window beside a cabinet. I looked out the window and see another little person with brown hair, orange goggles and a mask. He kinda looked like he wanted to murder me but since I should keep this watt pad fanfic thing going I opened the window up and the little person tryed jumping on me but I caught him with my hand.

"Uhm hello?" I said confused and realizing how weirdly small the two little people were. They looked like those uh...Chibi people or something like that. When I caught the brown haired little person in my hands he bit me. I screeched in scream dropping him on the ground. He face planted but got up like he felt no pain at ALL! I stared at him confused and asked "why are you attacking me!?" He responded with "w-why d-did you k-k-kidnap Ben!"

I explained EVERYTHING to him and he calmed down. "Oh s-orry for at-attacking you...or n-not :)" he said and also said "m-mind if I s-s-stay here t-oo I don't k-know w-where the sle- I-I mean I d-don't have a-anywhere to g-go" I nodded and make breakfast for the both of them and myself. I made some SCRUMPTIOUS eggs and bacon for them which I handed over to them. They ate it happily and then I screamed "CRAP I FORGOT I HAVE TO GO GET MORE FOOD FROM THE STORE!"

The two CUTEpastas stared at me and said "are you gonna bring us with you?" I responded with "no I feel like a little kid would steal you guys soooo" they gave me a sad look and nodded. After breakfast I went to the grocery store and bought some snacks,ingredients and microwaved stuff. I bought the food and was walking down the sidewalk to get to my car. I drove back home and put the groceries in the fridge and cupboards. They CUTEpastas were using my computer and looking at the news.

943 words hooray!
I will be uploading more soon!

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