Chapter 4...blood

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No one's PoV

Y/n went to bed and so did the creepypastas. Y/n woke up at 2:14 am having the feeling like someone was watching her. She looked around and there was nothing. She turned a flashlight on and looked around her room...still nothing at all. Y/n decided to just go back to sleep because she was pretty tired.

She woke up again at 7 AM and got up. She quickly changed her clothes into some pants and a f/c shirt. She waddled down the stairs and rubbed her eyes. Y/n then started making some toast for herself and the creepypastas.

Hoody walked up to y/n and asked "What are you making" in a cold voice. His sudden appearance made y/n shiver but then reply with "Oh I'm just making toast...heh because you know I... don't feel like cooking or something like that" Hoody glanced at the toaster and back to y/n and said "Okay".

Then Masky showed up and after Masky L.J did, then Toby then Ben.

Y/n placed some toast on the plates and put the plates on the table infront of where the admired creepypastas were sitting.

They silently ate the food and Y/n cleaned it up with Masky. Masky then asked y/n "Could I spend some time with you? I would like to get to know you...I don't want to be in a house with a complete stranger" y/n nodded and asked "okay. What would you like to do?" Masky thought for a moment "Hmm I know. Can we walk around the woods?" Y/n was a little nervous but then replayed and said "Oh sure".

They walked to the forest and walked around a little. Y/n found a flower and admired it before walking with Masky again.

"Soooo why don't you trust me" y/n says to Masky. Masky replied "Because". "That's not a real answer but ok" y/n mumbled while walking.

y/n got tired and Masky asked if she wanted to go home now and y/n nodded.

They made their way back to y/ns house and when they got back y/n flopped onto the couch and fell asleep.

Masky's POV

Y/n fell asleep and I heard L.J running to me screaming "OH MY GOD DID YOU MURDER Y/N???!!" "No" "Oh...ok". L.J stumbled up the stairs and I stared at him. "What tf" I mumble to myself.

???'s POV

I watched the person sleep calmly and looked around to see if anyone was there. I snuck into the house and into the kitchen. I somehow got up onto the counter and grabbed a knife, feeling its blade against the skin of my finger I smiles and even bigger smile.

I got off of the counter and headed towards the sleeping person. I climbed onto the couch and hold up the knife ready to plunge it into the person until I heard a familiar voice scream "STOP" I turned around and saw Masky. "Why should I? Don't tell me you care for this person!" I say chuckling in between words. "No I don't but we need this Y/n's help to find everyone and have somewhere to stay" Masky said. "Well thats interesting..." I replied to Masky a little confused. "How did you find your way here though?" "I have my ways" I said to Masky.

"Honestly I still wanna stab this "Y/n" person but I do want to find a way to become bigger again. Or Atleast have a place to stay I guess" I mumbled to Masky.

I heard people running downstairs and turns out that E.J, L.J, Toby, Ben and Hoody were also tiny.

"Hi guys" I say smirking as always.

Ben shouts "JEFFFFFFFFF?"

Y/N and the tiny creepypastasWhere stories live. Discover now