Chapter 3...Eyeless

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Y/N's pov

I smiled at the two other creepypastas and then checked the time on y/e (your electronic). I realized that it's pretty late and took the creepypastas to a spare room. I made little beds that took only about 30 minutes and told the creepypastas to sleep. They didn't wanna sleep at first but then some slept.

I headed back to my room and plopped onto the bed and checked the time again "1:48..." I thought to myself but ended up mumbling. I decided to just go to sleep so I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes.

I woke up to something on my face. I thought it was a creepypasta so I gently picked it up and said "morning". When I opened my eyes it wasn't a creepypasta it was A SPIDER (or whatever your afraid of) I threw it off my hand and shrieked really loud my neighbours could probably hear me. I slammed a croc into it and killed in.

I got out of my room and started making breakfast. I turn around and see Masky behind me. I slowly wave and he just stares at me like he wants to kill me.

Seems like he hasn't trusted me yet but that's fine I guess. I hear him slowly ask "what are you making..?" I glance at him and say "I'm making (favourite breakfast food)!"

He looked at me then walked away. I could hear laughing coming from upstairs where the creepypastas were and decided to go check on them.

I peaked into the room the creepypastas were in and I saw L.J throwing candy everywhere.

"L.J STOP THROWING CANDY EVERYWHERE!" I scream at him and he immediately looks over to me and starts throwing candy at me so I do what everyone else would do.

I planned REVENGEEEEE! I took a pot and trapped L.J underneath it. He just barely fit underneath the pot, but it still worked.

The other creepypastas were happy that candy wasn't flying around everywhere. I let L.J go and he glared at me angrily and strutted away.

The next day I decided was the day I would try looking for more creepypastas. I brought the creepypastas I had with me which are L.J, Toby, BEN, Masky and Hoody and I followed them to where they thought some creepypastas would be.

I followed them around for a while and came across a little child holding something. The child was squishing it tightly in their hands. The only reason I'm wondering what's in the child's hand is because the creepypastas keep looking at the child's hands.

I walked up to the child and asked "what's in your hands if you don't mind me asking?" The child seemed scared at first but then answered "A little human with a mask"

I thought for a while and then asked the child "could I see?" The little child handed it over to me.

Masky hopped onto my shoulder and said "that's a creepypasta. His name is Eyeless Jack but we call him E.J for short..."

I nodded at Masky and asked the child if I could keep E.J and the child seemed upset. I realized it wouldn't be easy getting E.J because the child looked really interested in this little creepypasta.

I thought for a moment and asked L.J to give me some candy. L.J handed some candy to me and I said to the child "If you give that little cre- human to me I'll give you this candy."

The child looked up at me and grabbed the candy and shoved E.J onto my hand and ran away.

I saw that when Masky said Eyeless Jack he was being for real. This creepypasta had no eyes. Not that that surprised me.

I walked home with the creepypastas hiding in my bag and got home after a while.

Sorry this chapter isn't that long
660 words
Btw pls recommend some creepypastas.

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