Chapter 6: Breakout

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*Sorry for the month-long delay, everyone. Hope you guys enjoy Chapter 6!

Zoroark remained mostly inconspicuous upon flying over to the entrance to Chorh-Gom Prison. Various rhinos with spears were guarding the prison on short mountaintops, yet none of them attempted to shoot her down or attack. They seemed to recognize messengers like Zeng based on their outfits and connection to the Jade Palace.

Makes sense. He did mention that Master Shifu was the one who imprisoned Tai Lung in the first place.

She flapped her wings and landed right in front of the prison's doors. Two rhinos immediately stuck out their spears in an aggressive manner.

"State your business here." One of them grunted.

Zoroark, at first, said nothing. She darted her eyes from one rhino to the other before showing them the scroll that Zeng left behind.

"I bring a message from Master Shifu. It's... urgent." She replied in the goose's voice. That was one of the many perks of her Illusion ability, apart from copying any person, Pokémon, or animal's appearance to a T.

The rhinos widened their eyes in recognition before opening the prison's doors. A few locks clicked into place before they slowly, but surely swung open.

"Follow us."

They brought Zoroark down a pathway leading to the prison's warden, Commander Vachir. Personally recommended to both run and design this prison by his mentor, Master Flying Rhino, he was a tough-as-nails Javan rhinoceros who viewed keeping watch over Tai Lung, China's most dangerous criminal, as the highest honor. He held authority over the Anvil of Heaven, an army of one-thousand rhinos who were all experienced with kung fu.

A few of this army's member glared down at Zoroark, but the foxlike Pokémon paid them no attention. Their martial arts skills would still pale in comparison to any Pokémon's abilities, especially most, if not all Fighting-types.

The three stopped upon standing in front of Vachir. He had a golden cap on top of his horn and violet eyes that were narrowed into slits.

"Oh great. What does the Jade Palace want now?" He grumbled.

One rhino handed him the scroll and gave him a chance to read through it. Vachir was outraged by its contents, much to Zoroark's silent amusement.

"WHAT?! Double the guard? Extra precautions?" The prison warden shouted. "Your prison may not be adequate?!"

Zoroark, despite her smaller body as a goose, didn't flinch at all and merely shrugged her shoulders.

"It seems that Master Shifu believes this prison isn't enough to contain Tai Lung. He is, after all, a dangerous master of kung fu who won't hesitate to kill, correct?"

Vachir snorted. He did not like how condescending this goose sounded.

"I'm well aware of what that monster is capable of, goose. But neither you or your Master Shifu have any reason to doubt my prison's security." The rhino said in a boisterous, confident tone. "Escape from Chorh-Gom Prison... is impossible!"

"Well, I wouldn't know. I'm just a messenger."

"Then let me help you send a message."

Vachir motioned for Zoroark to follow him along a single stone pathway. Down below, there were multiple other platforms with long lines of guards on either side. Each of them were lit up by red torches.

"Impressive, isn't it?"

The Dark-type Pokémon grimaced. She could already tell that this prison break would be a lot more brutal than expected. That wasn't a problem for her per say, but she did prefer to keep things more clean and discrete.

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