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Jurassic World....


Cassie Zanteni played by Vanessa Hudgens

Cassie Zanteni played by Vanessa Hudgens

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Zach Mitchell played by Nick Robinson

Zach Mitchell played by Nick Robinson

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CASSIE IS THE NIECE of the infamous funder Mr. Masrani who funded the reinvented park that it is now. She is a part of the Raptor Researcher Department and is quite good at her job.

She thinks she is doing a boring favor for her boss Claire but is quickly mistaken when The Indamonous Rex gets out of containment and hunts down anything and everything it can get its hands on.

What happens when she's stuck with the two nephews she was sent to babysit? What happens when they come across The Indamonous Rex and get stranded when they don't listen to a simple request to go back?

Everything goes crazy as animals get loose, people are dying, and they are just kids who nothing about what's going on.

What comes for young Cassie Zantenii and Zach Mitchell when they somehow form a romance amidst this chaos?

Read more to find out!


The aesthetics are what I could find and sorry if they're not that accurate.

Anyways, enjoy the story, 'Endurance'.

Endurance | Jurassic WorldWhere stories live. Discover now