Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, "Search and Rescue"
1:13:22 - 1:00:00

CASSIE WAS WORRIED. Everything that has happened thus far has been nothing but terrible. What will happen when they all come across other people? Will it be corpses or living people?

The question was piercing the back of her head as she tried to look for a more optimistic thought. Not finding one she leaned back and tried not to cry.

Nothing that little distraction couldn't fix, and right now her distraction was a small nap. One in which had Zach glancing back at her from time to time.

The sound of Zach driving into a gate jolted Cassie awake as she looked around multiple times and her chest heaved up and down until she calmed down.

The two Mitchell boys laughed before Zach said, "Okay. That's it. We're safe now."

Gray looked into the rearview mirror and Cassie slowly started to catch on as he turned back without looking at her. She slowly turned around before her eyes widened at the sight of pterodactyls flying not too far from them as they screeched.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" The two said as they hurried Zach to step on it before they became bird food. "Shit!"

The roar of the engine ignited as Cassie almost cried happy tears of joy at the gate that separated them from civilization. The two guards seemed visibly confused before they opened the gate and allowed them in.

The three ran as fast as they could to seek shelter and disregarded the guards who tried to stop them. They ran and ran but were too late as the flying dinosaurs weren't too far behind them.

Not too long after, Zara found them and tried to keep up with them as the chaos around them continued to push her farther and farther away from them.

Zach continued to shove everyone in his way out of his as held onto Cassie and Gray. They stood still a moment as they took in the site of the pterodactyls flying and launching themselves down to catch their prey.

Gray tried to run in front but was pulled back by the two older teens just before one of the dinosaurs tried to nip at the boy.

"Don't just stand there!" Zarah said just before she was caught in the clutches of a pterodactyl and flown up high and above as it let go of her and another grabbed her and flew her the opposite way toward the pool for the Mosasasaurs and let go once again as the sound of her splashing into the water rung in their ears.

The beak of one of the pterodactyls snatched her and began to bring her up and back down into the water as she screamed.

The three had been on the railing as they watched who was supposed to be their guardian be thrown around like a hacky sack.

She was caught back in the claws of the pterodactyl just as it was about to launch itself back in the air but was stopped by the Mosasasaurs launching itself in the air as it chomped onto the two.

Gray whimpered as Cassie had her hand to her mouth. Zach tried to take the two out of their state as he dragged them away from the scene as they sought out shelter.

Cassie ran alongside Zach as they all tried to steer clear away from the danger and people around them. Zach shouted out in desperation, "Aunt Claire!"

The three had heard her calls for them and ran to the sight of her short hair in a frazzled state and her attire now in a more comfortable look.

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