Chapter 1

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Chapter 1, "Babysitter?"
0:00:00 -0:43:50

CASSIE ZANTENII was the niece of the infamous Mr. Masrani who funded the re-invented park for dinosaurs. What was once called Jurassic Park, is now called Jurassic World.

Cassie has been working for the park for a little over a year, with the help of her well-influenced Uncle, she was able to become a part of the Raptor Research Center. She isn't as specialized as her coworker Owen Brady, but she does quite well. Better than most.

So it came as a surprise when her boss called her in to babysit her nephews. Claire knew she would agree knowing that having a rich Uncle wasn't what she wanted to be known for.

She wanted to be a hard worker and a team player, and if that meant sacrificing vital time and dedicating it to kids, she would do so with a smile.

AT THE ENTRANCEWAY, Cassie was with her coworker Zara waiting for Zach and Gray Mitchell, or so that was what their tablet said.

Zara was busy on her phone while Cassie was standing, alternating her weight between her legs to maintain at least some entertainment.

It was beginning to get hotter by the minute and Cassie was sweating, she had decided to take off her pullover and try to get a little cooler.

She wasn't paying attention and didn't notice the gawking of an older boy, and she especially didn't notice that he and the boy next to him were THE Mitchells they were picking up.

It wasn't until the youngest waltzed up to her with a toothy grin and dragged his brother along with him that she began to notice.

Just from a glance at the older boy, she knew he was bound to cause trouble...

She could also tell that the two boys weren't aware of their aunt not being present to them when they'd barely arrived and expected her to do so.

Cassie gave the younger boy a sympathetic smile and told them to follow her and her coworker.

CASSIE WAS SEATED on the train, documenting some of the videos Owen had taken of the raptors. She was busy typing and didn't notice they were almost at their destination.

The only reason she did notice was because of the PA speakers that were built in their transportation.

"Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gates.--" Gray had taken it upon himself to shove his way through the front. Cassie quickly sat up and excused herself as she made her way upstream along with the younger boy. 

"--Those were part of the original park over 20 years ago."

Cassie made sure to place her hand on the younger boy's shoulder to keep track of him. 'Great... now I need to keep track of this excited puppy and his grumpy rodent ' she had thought with a sigh.

As the train made a screeching stop, Gray ran out to the nearest doorway.

"Gray! Wait up! I can't keep track of you if you keep on running," The girl said out of breath. 

What? She's a researcher, not an athlete!

Gray ignored her and went on his way. Cassie swiftly followed him as she groaned, frustrated.

She managed to get onto the escalator unharmed. She turned to notice the older boy a little too close for comfort. She internally groaned before resiting the instructions Claire had given.

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