Chapter 2

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Chapter 2, "Joy Ride"
0:43:50 - 1:13:22

CASSIE ZANTENII was stuck with one of the most annoying twerps she'd ever met... and she's not talking about Gray... Just being in the presence of Zach Mitchell's ego made her want to barf. Especially the flirting.

Pretty much the whole time the three had been in line, Zach had been making eyes at the girls who were a couple of people in front of them. She honestly wouldn't care if she hadn't had to deal with Gray's persistent need to spew facts about everything everywhere they went.

"So the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up. . . And—and act as a natural preservative. DNA can survive for millennia that way. So now, even if the amber mines fry up, they'll still have bones—"

"Shut up," Zach said and completely shut down Gray.

Cassie scoffed. "Excuse you. Is his ranting bothering you from staring at those girls like they're the Mona Lisa?"

Gray smiled at the fact she was defending him.

The girls had giggled at Cassie's comment before leaving for their designated pods for the ride.

"What is your problem?! You jealous or something," Zach snapped toward the girl. It seems like scoffing is the only thing Cassie does in the presence of his ego as she says, "You wish. I just find it rude that you shut down your brother just because you can't concentrate on staring."

"Without blinking I might add."

Zach grew visibly embarrassed as his face flushed before defending himself. "Well— I still think you're jealous." The girl rolled her eyes in turn, "Whatever you want to think, Zachary 'Scott' Mitchell."

He was stunned at how she knew his full name and turned to Gray but he too had a confused look on his face. Before either of them had the chance to question how she knew his full name, the line moved and it was finally their turn.

"Woah, woah, woah. Cassie? You do remember there aren't any three-seaters right," One of her coworkers questioned puzzled.

"Don't worry, someone's just going to have to sit on someone's lap. That's fine right, Mark?" Cassie put on her best flirty persona as she tried to wiggle her way around not being without the two Mitchells who were prone to ditching.

It must have worked as he gave the green light. Zach smirked as he turned to her and patted his lap. The girl rolled her eyes, "I'm not sitting on your lap, twerp. Come on, Gray, you'll have to sit on my lap for now. Is that okay?"

The boy was just happy getting on this ride so he obliged and sat on her lap as Zach became grumpy.

"Jealous are you, Zachary?" Cassie jabbed. He just scrunched his face before saying, "No! And stop calling me Zachary. It's creepy how you know my full name.."

Cassie smirked before grabbing onto the control stick as she didn't turn to look at him and said sarcastically, "Well I need to know the last name I might take. Right?"

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