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Carly wakes up, determined to make the day special. She spends the morning setting up a celebration of Freddie's dad's life.

Carly (to herself): Today should be a day of remembering and celebrating.

She arranges photos, sets up decorations, and prepares a space that honors the memory of Freddie's dad. The atmosphere in their home becomes one of reflection and warmth as Carly works to create a meaningful tribute.

Carly notices something that doesn't look quite right in the setup and voices her concern.

Carly (muttering to herself): That doesn't look good over there.

She makes adjustments, ensuring that every detail contributes to creating a positive and comforting environment for the celebration of Freddie's dad's life.

As Carly becomes irritable with the preparations, Freddie walks in, sensing her frustration.

Freddie: Good morning, babe. What's going on?

Carly (frustrated): Everything just feels off, and I can't get it right.

Freddie (calming): Hey, take a deep breath. It's okay. What's bothering you?

Freddie's presence brings a calming influence as he encourages Carly to express her feelings and helps to ease the tension in the room.

Carly opens up to Freddie, expressing her desire to make the celebration perfect for him.

Carly: I'm trying to make this party perfect for you.

Freddie (grateful): Carly, it means a lot that you're doing this. But it doesn't have to be perfect. It's about remembering my dad together.

Carly (softening): I just want today to be special for you.

Their conversation highlights Carly's dedication and Freddie's understanding, emphasizing the love and support they share during emotional moments.

Freddie playfully attributes Carly's concerns to pregnancy mood swings, trying to lighten the mood.

Freddie: Babe, relax. You're overthinking everything. Must be those pregnancy mood swings.

Carly (smirking): Oh, blame it on the hormones, huh?

Freddie (grinning): Just a bit. Let's enjoy the day together.

Their banter adds a touch of humor, bringing a lighthearted element to the moment as they navigate the preparations for the celebration.

Carly, expressing her sincerity, apologizes to Freddie and emphasizes her desire to make the celebration special for him.

Carly: Look, I'm sorry, Freddie. I just want it to be special for you.

Freddie (gentle): I know, Carly. It already is because you're here with me, putting so much effort into it.

Their exchange reflects the depth of their connection and the shared commitment to making the day meaningful, regardless of any imperfections.

Freddie encourages Carly to take a break and relax amidst the preparations.

Freddie: Sit down and relax, Carly.

Carly (sighing): I just want everything to be perfect.

Freddie (smiling): It already is. Your effort means the world to me.

As Freddie reassures her, Carly begins to unwind, appreciating the support and understanding he offers during this emotional day.

Freddie expresses gratitude and love towards Carly for her efforts, sealing it with a sweet kiss.

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