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It's a new day, and Freddie and Carly wake up to face the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead. As they navigate the complexities of family relationships, impending parenthood, and the mysteries surrounding Spencer, they find strength in each other. The final part will explore how they tackle these challenges, make important decisions, and continue to build their future together.

Carly expresses her concern and care for Freddie as they wake up.

Carly: Good morning, babe. Did you sleep okay? You need your rest too.

Her thoughtful inquiry shows her consideration for Freddie's well-being, emphasizing the importance of taking care of each other during challenging times.

Freddie shares his improved sleep experience with Carly.

Freddie: Yeah, I actually did sleep finally.

Their morning conversation reflects a moment of relief and potential rest in the midst of the challenges they're facing.

Freddie and Carly engage in a morning conversation, sharing their thoughts and feelings.

Freddie: So, any plans for today?

Carly: Well, I was thinking about reaching out to Spencer again. I can't just let this go on.

Freddie: That sounds like a good idea. And I was thinking, maybe we could start looking into houses, you know, for our little family.

Carly: Really? That's a big step, Freddie.

Freddie: I want us to have a place where Grace can grow up and feel at home.

Their dialogue hints at both addressing the mystery surrounding Spencer and the prospect of a new chapter in their lives.

Freddie expresses his intention to support Millicent and Gwen in their move.

Freddie: I'm going to see where Millicent moved and help her and Gwen get settled in.

Carly: That's sweet, Freddie. I'm sure they'll appreciate your help.

Freddie's initiative reflects his commitment to being a supportive father figure for Millicent and maintaining strong connections with family.

Carly outlines her plans and concerns to Freddie.

Carly: When you get back, we can start looking into houses. But, Freddie, I've got to find out why Spencer is hiding his relationship from me.

This sets the stage for Carly's determination to address the mystery surrounding Spencer, highlighting her commitment to maintaining open communication within their family.

Freddie shares a sweet moment with Carly before heading out.

Freddie: Okay, babe. I'll see you later.

The affectionate kiss reinforces their connection and mutual support as they tackle the day's challenges.

Carly sends Freddie off with love and encouragement.

Carly: Have a fantastic time. I love you.

Her words convey warmth and support, reinforcing the strength of their relationship as Freddie heads out to help Millicent and Gwen.

Freddie initiates a call to Millicent as he walks towards the car.

Freddie: Hey, Millicent. It's your dad. How's everything going?

Millicent: Hey, Dad! It's going pretty well. Gwen and I are setting things up. When are you coming over?

Freddie: I'll be there soon. Just wanted to make sure you both are settling in okay.

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