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Hi, this is SHO, and welcome to my new book, RIDE KAMENS. This is based on the Ride Kamens game (the game is not released yet and I think they release each character by 17:00 on JST!! You can see it on their twitter account.)

For the book, yea highly inspired by the game, this book, I made my own version. I picked their ability and so on, but the characters, I changed them!!


I will be updating each character one by one (yes daily, but so far on Twitter 5 characters so I'll release them soon maybe?) before playing the game (if released) + release the prologue


And also for the MC, the MC's name is Toya Katsumi (For the looks I stole [not really] it from the Toya from Project Sekai). He has a partner. His name is Akito Himegawa.

(Or should I make a PJSK x Ride Kamens book instead huh xD)


Anyways, I will be releasing my OC based on Ride Kamens characters soon, hope I can do it...! Gambatte, Sho! ^o^


Alright, that's all. See ya! I'm gonna write my other book, and it's gonna be a biiiiit late because I run out of ideas.


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