|| Kamen Cafe & Cosmo Conglomerate

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- Kamen Cafe

A concept cafe where patrons have their meals and converse while wearing masks to conceal their backgrounds.

Cosmo Conglomerate runs this cafe as a cover for Agents' activities.
The Riders frequently visit the shop.

It operates as a cafe during the day, and a bar at night.



- Cosmo Conglomerate
The top conglomeration in Nijigao City. Located in a secret base beneath the Kamen Cafe. They made a base for the protagonist Toya called Rider Station.

[EDIT: I will be adding the characters by today! ^^ and yes they're all side characters so I don't really have to put the bio and so on- ]




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Members (anyways I'm planning to add more members here):


A: Seniors (basically those who are older la)


1) Miyake Holmes

1) Miyake Holmes

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- A detective of the Cosmos conglomerate. He supports the main character in all aspects, from his personal life to his agent work and the operation of the masked cafe. He has a funny and approachable personality. He can also disappear like a chameleon. He is willing to help everyone and make them smile.

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