Hehe :)

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Hey Guys! Guess who it issssss? Well, It's MesmorizingCxniff! Otherwise known as, Jai's daddy c; Lmfao! Just so you guys know, I am a girl. Not putting myself as a guy haha. Anyways, my gorgeous girlfriend asked me if I could start co-writing her one shot books (even tho my smut sucks total ass) And I told her I would because I am an amazing girlfriend and I am willing to help my princess do anything <3 ANYWHALE!!!!! Throw down some ships I should start writing yeah? O2L and or MagCon Just throw em down! Well goodbye our little angels and cumlings we love you very very fucking much tbh with you! Oh and uh Jai, I love you my gorgeous princess :) THROW DOWN SOME SHIPS IN THE COMMENTS BELOOOOOOW!

~xoxo- MiyaBear~

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