Chapter 20

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Hanni's POV

I rolled over in bed and looked smiling out the window at the dark lake on the other side of the glass. I called Melanie and Linda when I found out Minji was going out with Beomgyu and we had our own girls' night out.

We had gone to the local pool hall in town and drank a few beers, laughed and talked, mostly about small town gossip. Apparently, there was a girl in town who was having affairs with at least three married men. Pelion's wives were in an uproar. Of course, I didn't believe the girl was as much to blame as the men who had made the vows and broken them. But I supposed it was less painful to believe that her men had been lured by some kind of tempting magic than to believe that they were lying, deceiving them..

We also talked a lot about Minji and I told them everything about her. They listened to me, surprised, but with excited looks on their faces.

"My God, we had no idea, Hanni," Melanie said. She then stood thoughtfully for a minute while I took a swig of my beer.

"You know, though," she continued, "you're really the only one who could have figured her out. You know sign language... and you end up here... and she's alone, with no one to talk to, it's the most beautiful thing, like If it were destiny."

I smiled dreamily at that, letting her words wash over me.

That's what it felt like.

The most beautiful kind of destiny.

We went to bed quite early and arrived home at eleven, since I had to work in the morning, I had showered and then read for a while. I turned off the light and was thinking about Minji and wondering how his night was going. I was so proud of her for agreeing to date Beomgyu. She seemed so distrustful and insecure, and I knew that most of the reason she had left was because I had encouraged her. But it was still a big step. She had barely been away from her property, except for occasional trips into town to buy groceries or supplies for her projects, and since she was seven, going out to a bar or restaurant was a big deal. I hoped she had at least a little fun.

I turned around again when I heard a car door slam shut and what sounded like a large truck roar away.

What the hell?

Milly lifted her head to the foot of my bed and let out a soft bark.

My heart raced, fear sweeping through me. However, I stabilized my breathing; If it was someone intending to harm me, if it were him, he definitely wouldn't announce himself with a lot of noise.

"Stop being paranoid, Hanni," I muttered.

But I tiptoed into the living room, with Milly on my heels.

I pulled back the edge of the curtain and peeked out the window.

I saw a shape staggering away from my cabin.

Was that... Minji?

Yes, yes it was.

I ran to my door and opened it, knocking softly.


She turned around on the road and stayed there.

I cocked my head to the side, smiling a confused one.

"What are you doing here?"

I asked.

"Come here, I'm in my pajamas."

She stayed there for a few seconds, swaying ever so slightly, it seemed...

She squinted in the dim light...drunk and upset.

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