Chapter 22

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Hanni's POV

Over the next week we fell into an easy routine, so wrapped up in each other that I could barely wait to get off work, practically running home to shower and grab Milly before heading straight to Minji's house. The smile with which she greeted me every day made me feel adored as I ran into her arms, feeling in my head and in my heart that I was finally home.

Not the place, but her arms. Minji's arms were my home, the only place I wanted to be, the place where I felt safe. The place where I felt loved.

We made love everywhere, spending long nights exploring each other's bodies and learning everything about what gave each other pleasure. And as always, Minji became a master in the art of lovemaking, leaving me languid and high from the pleasure of each encounter. Not only did she know how to make me go crazy with desire with her hands, her tongue, and her impressive extra part, but she knew that when she scratched the back of my knees with her nails, I would purr like a kitten, and that it would completely relax me when she ran her fingers through my hair. It was as if my body was her instrument and she learned to play it so perfectly that the melody vibrated within my soul. Not only because of the pleasure she brought, but because she cared so much about knowing every little thing about me.

One day, she put out a bowl of chips while I was making us lunch, and as I ate them, I realized they were all the folded ones that I loved but usually had to search for.

I looked at the bowl and then looked at Minji, confused. "They're all... they're all folded," I said, thinking I sounded crazy.

Aren't those the ones you like?

I nodded slowly, realizing that she had gone through several bags of chips to pick out the ones I liked best. And realizing that she had noticed that little fact about me, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But that was Minji. She wanted to please me, and would do anything to achieve it.

Sometimes we would be doing something on her property when I would look at her and notice that she was watching me too, with that lazy look on her face that meant she was thinking about what she wanted to do to me at that moment, it would make me wet and needy almost instantly, my nipples hardened under her silent gaze.

And then she would get me up and take me to her bed, or if we were so needy, she would take me on a blanket on the grass, the bright sunlight shining on us, or on a hammock, or on the sandy shore of the lake.

After such a session, while my body was still shaking from the orgasm she had just given me, I breathlessly whispered, "I dreamed this, Minji. I dreamed of you and me, like this."

Her eyes locked onto mine, and she leaned in and studied me for long minutes before leaning in and kissing me so tenderly I thought my heart would break.

I rolled her in the wet sand, smiling against her mouth as she smiled too. And then we both stopped smiling when I rested my head on her chest and lived that moment, grateful for the air in my lungs and the sunlight on my back, and the beautiful woman in my arms. Her hands made letters on my skin and after a few minutes, I realized that she was spelling, My Hanni... My Hanni... over and over and over again.

The weather was cool now and after a while, we ran inside smiling and shivering, got into the shower to wash off all the sand.

We snuggled on her couch and she lit a fire in the fireplace, and we held each other for a while before I lay back and looked at her.

Minji had a way of doing things, that was very sexy, but what made my heart skip a beat every time I saw her was that she didn't know it. She would lean a hip against the counter in a certain way, or she would stand in a doorway holding the frame while she looked at me, things that she had no idea how affected me. It was just her, and somehow that made her even more attractive. There was no way I was going to tell her. I loved having that secret, I loved that those things were all mine and I didn't want to affect her actions by making her aware of them. As for me, well, I was a total lost cause when it came to Minji Kim.

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