Chapter 32

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Warning: Smut 18+ 🔥

Minji's POV

I held her close, inhaling her sweet scent, my heart lifted by the sweet relief of her weight in my arms. My Hanni. I had missed her so desperately that I thought I would die without her those first few weeks. But I didn't die. I had so much to tell her, so much to share with her.

I leaned back, and looked at her brown eyes that I loved so much even brighter under her bright tears. She was awesome. And I prayed to God that she would remain mine.

The truth is that I don't know how to dance , I said, unable to take my eyes off her.

She breathed out with a small smile. I'm not very good at that either.

I took her in my arms anyway and held her against my body as we began to sway to the music. We would figure it out.

I ran my hand over the bare skin of her back and she shivered in my arms. Both of us looking at each other as I used my other hand to intertwine my fingers with hers, my eyes moving over her face. She swallowed and her lips parted as she met my gaze.

I pulled her closer and pressed her body against mine, feeling serenity wash over me.

When the song ended, we both stepped back and Hanni asked, "Is this real?"

I smiled at her.

I do not know, I think so. But it feels like a dream.

She gave a small laugh and looked down, then back up at me.

How did you know I was here?

"I went to your house" I pointed out. Anne saw me and told me where you were.

She raised her hand and placed it on my cheek as if checking that I was really there, I closed my eyes and leaned into her. After a second, she lowered her hand and motioned to me: Where have you been, Minji? Have you been -

I put my hands around hers, stopping her words, and she blinked in surprise. I let her go and lifted her hands.

I have so much to tell you, so much we have to talk about.

Do you still love me?

She asked with a vulnerable look. She blinked as tears filled her eyes. Her heart was right there, in her expression, and I loved her so desperately that I felt her suffering in my own bones.

I will never stop loving you, Hanni, I replied, hoping that she could see my soul in my eyes, the essence of who I was.

She studied my face for a few seconds, then looked down for a few moments before her eyes lifted and focused on my chest as she said, You left me.

I had to do it, I replied.

Her eyes roamed over my face, studying me intently.

Take me home, Minji , she said and I didn't need to be asked twice. I took her hand and began to move through the crowd that I had forgotten it was there.

As we stepped out into the cold night air, Hanni said, "Wait, Melanie and Linda–"

They saw me , I pointed out, they will know that you left with me.

She nodded.

The valet brought my truck, looking completely out of place among the BMWs and Audis.

But that didn't matter to me.

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