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Y/n  hid behind a large box,that was placed on the street

Y/n POV:
I'm panting hardly, It's making sound oh gosh pls i hope none of those royal Guard saw me running

Suddenly i heard footsteps that felt like coming towards me! 
I stopped breathing

I got a tap on my shoulder and was about to jump

???"Did you saw any girl waiting here with a trolley in her hand?"

I was startled by the tap and was about to fly in the sky then came back from flying when i heard a female voice.

"Um-m noo!!"

"Oh ok! "......." i shouldn’t have Leave my place before she arrived " she mumbled

She again spoke
"Hey dear!  Why are you here in this time!  It's not good also You're sweating so bad!  Where do you live? "

Y/n was zoned out  and then said

" I I-live here" then realised  after 2 minutes but it was  way too late

That women was too stunned to speak. And gave her the biggest Side eye to ever had in the World.

"I-i mea-"

"So You're homeless!?  Oh my poor Pretty little child!! " *her eyes got soften*

"Um actuall-"
"Now no more talking!! You're gonna stay with me from now on! And I also wanna know more about you!!  Can you help me sweetheart? "

"With what aunt?"

" to find a girl!  My sister's daughter's friend! "

"Yes ofc " y/n chuckled  and already her fear disappeared bcz of her sweet behaviour and thinking

"But how?" y/n asked

"Ummm Let's walk in way *pointing* while you will tell me about yourself?! "

Y/n nodded and started to walk

While talking to that women,  y/n suddenly tripped in the street out of nowhere and got her knee hurt, y/n Groaned,  that women also kneel down to check on her 

"Oh my sweetheart be carefu-.........golden platted shoes!!!!!!!!!"


" god!! Your shoe is golden platted!  And clearly visible that "Y/N MANZIL"!... So?.....You're y/n???????? MY FRIEND'S DAUGHTER'S FRIEND!!!?? "

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